Now, can Clinton bring it home for the Democrats?


Now that Hillary Clinton is the

presumptiv­e Democratic nominee for president, we must re-examine what “The Clinton Team” brings to the table. By Bill Clinton’s own admission in 2001, during his presidency he passed on an opportunit­y to kill Osama bin Laden.

Now we get to decide whether or not to let his spouse have an opportunit­y to make the same kinds of mistakes, which she has already proved herself quite capable of. Her first blunder as secretary of State involved the decision to decapitate the government of Libya without any strategy for a surrogate government. Although Moammar Gadhaffi was an annoying and distastefu­l tyrant, he had never made a direct threat against us. Clinton’s next egregious error in judgment was that our ambassador to Libya and the three brave security agents at the U.S. compound in Benghazi consulate died on her watch. There seems to be a pattern of disregard for our national interests here.

Any administra­tion that assumes we have little to fear from our enemies abroad will ultimately have to take responsibi­lity for turning this country into an irresistib­le target for those who now loathe our very existence.

I only wish that both sides of our bungling political system had been able to scrounge up some better alternativ­es for the 2016 election. Ken Barlow Annapolis, Md. Our followers shared their thoughts on what Clinton should do to unify and strengthen the Democrats. People choose Hillary’s pragmatism over Bernie Sanders. Going too far left is a mistake @wellness_108 Her vice president choice must be progressiv­e enough to motivate Sanders supporters to vote for her and not Donald Trump. @JeffOstach How can someone who appears to have abandoned Americans in harm’s way unite us? @for_congress For more, follow @USATOpinio­n or #tellusatod­ay.

She is not poised to make history. The convention is over a month away. Quit thinking her press releases are actual news. Michael J. McGee

Hillary Clinton has her flaws, but she just accomplish­ed a first in U.S. history. Her detractors will continue to attack with accusation­s over Benghazi, her private email server and the fallout in Libya. But all of that pales in comparison with the idea of a xenophobic, thin-skinned racebaiter named Trump. John Petz

Republican­s handed her the nomination. They elected Trump then they rolled over and gave up. The GOP will lose and have no one to blame but itself. Cynthia Queen

I feel let down that somebody else didn’t step in to give us a better choice of candidates with the joke of choices we were given. Mary Knowles

A Your Say headline on Wednesday should have referred to registered nurses, not nurse practition­ers.

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