Stanford rapist and his ‘20 minutes of action’



It seems like the legal system has failed us

once again. Former Stanford student Brock Turner was given six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconsciou­s woman. First of all, who would rape an unconsciou­s woman? And how about his father, who did a disservice to his son by saying he should not go to jail “for 20 minutes of action.” Then there’s the judge who stated, “A prison sentence would have a severe impact on him.” No wonder hundreds of thousands of people called for the removal of the judge.

I don’t see much concern for the victim, other than the two students who confronted Turner and chased him down, or the prosecutor who argued for a six-year sentence. This is an outrageous example where the punishment does not fit the crime. Russ W. Bill Fountain Valley, Calif.

How come when a girl is drinking it's automatica­lly considered rape? I find that very sexist against men.

This is the result of feminism going mainstream. Its goal of preventing men and women from having sex is one step closer to reality. Pretty soon , we'll all have to carry around consent contracts before we have sex. Brad Wescott

Victims of sexual assault will live with that memory for the rest of their lives. Often, they will blame themselves for the attack, but they should not. The fault always belongs to the attacker and never the victim. Many will need counseling for years. Not enough is being done to protect victims.

Brock Turner's punishment should have been much greater, and the father needs to realize he raised a kid with poor decisionma­king skills and lousy values. Mitch Fortier

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