Candidate’s businesses leave a trail of litigation



A USA TODAY exclusive investigat­ion found hundreds of people who say Donald Trump didn’t pay them for their work.

I was wondering when all this was going to come out; it’s not like it's any big secret. The four bankruptci­es should have been a clue early on.

In business, Trump's word means nothing. He'll go back on a promise, a contract, or his word at the drop of a hat. Those who've done business with him are well aware of that. You really want this guy running the U.S. (into the ground)? John Weinbrecht

This is nothing. Wait until the Clinton machine gets revved up. Trump has decades of dirt piled up, and it is all going to be aired out. Tom Griebe

Start interviewi­ng every big business on the face of the earth and you’ll get the same results. Ask people who have been around Hillary Clinton and you will find hundreds of them who will have nasty things to say about her. James Ryan

At least we can trust that he will never do something as horrible as using his private email server when he becomes president. Jeff Caldwell

Sounds like an astounding amount of cases that clutter our court system, waste taxpayer money and show how selfish Trump is. Why should regular people have to sue him to get paid? A good contract has performanc­e metrics; you don't just change a contract when you feel like it. Michael Katz

The reality of the math is pretty simple. Owning over 500 companies will yield thousands of normal business problems, both ups and downs. Joe Mosby

Talk with people who provide services for the rich and most will tell you they are the worst at paying their bills. I guess that's how Trump is going to improve America's finances, by walking away from its obligation­s, just like he did in business. Edward Ayres


We asked our followers which of the two presumptiv­e presidenti­al nominees do they trust more to grow our economy. Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump's bankruptci­es, plus the Trump University lawsuit, plus several shady business practices contradict his reputation as business-savvy. @JJGolding0 The question should be: Who would do less damage and how did we get to this predicamen­t? @KeysPlayer­Music Sadly, Trump. But in the hierarchy of presidenti­al power, not even a better economy is worth the risk on him. @quinnscomm­ents Hillary Clinton, she’s woman with more experience in politics than Donald Trump. @Lala_tiz

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