Muslim Americans condemn violence and offer support

- Jessica Durando @jessicadur­ando USA TODAY

Muslims across the U.S. showed an outpouring of support for victims after the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history left 50 people dead in an Orlando nightclub.

The lone shooter, killed by police, has been identified as a Muslim by multiple media outlets.

A federal law enforcemen­t official told USA TODAY the suspect has been identified as Omar Seddique Mateen of Fort Pierce, Fla. The official, who did not want to be named because of the sensitivit­y of the investigat­ion, said authoritie­s are trying to determine if the shooting was connected to radical Islamist groups such as the Islamic State.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said earlier Sunday that he was informed that Mateen had declared allegiance to the Islamic State during a communicat­ion with law enforcemen­t before he died.

The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said, “We condemn this monstrous attack and offer our heartfelt condolence­s to the families and loved ones of all those killed or injured. The Muslim community joins our fellow Americans in repudiatin­g anyone or any group that would claim to justify or excuse such an appalling act of violence.”

The Muslim civil liberties organizati­on is asking for blood donations for the injured.

The American Muslim Community Centers, a mosque in Longwood, Fla., said the mosque stands with Americans and “senseless violence has no place in our religion or in our society.”

“The American Muslim Community Centers is saddened and shocked by the senseless killings in downtown Orlando, and we pray for the victims and their family members,” said Chairman Atif Fareed.

People turned to Twitter to express disapprova­l of the attack:

Rafat Ali tweeted, “As an American Muslim in month of Ramadan, hard to comprehend except to say LGBT community has stood for us, our time to do same.”

 ?? GERARDO MORA, GETTY IMAGES ?? Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, said, “We condemn the person who did this, whatever ideology he had. No lives should be lost because of anger and hate.”
GERARDO MORA, GETTY IMAGES Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, said, “We condemn the person who did this, whatever ideology he had. No lives should be lost because of anger and hate.”

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