Trump moves female voters towards Clinton



Womengivin­g Clintonin nationalth­e highestpol­ls are level of female support of any candidate in more than four decades and the widest gender gap ever recorded.

Women should be ashamed of themselves for supporting a woman who shielded her sexual-predator husband, while she claims she's a feminist. Harry Colin

Clinton will exceed expectatio­ns and be a better president than Barack Obama, but she needs a Democratic majority in Congress that won't block her actions every step of the way. Patrizio Cavaliere

Clinton can never, ever be trusted. She has been proven to be a liar by the FBI. What more do people need? Oh yeah, I forgot, she would be America's first female president and that's all they stupidly care about. Lynn Russell

She is reasonable enough to work with a Republican Congress. Speaker Paul Ryan is smart and only cares about what is right, so I could definitely see him and Clinton doing a lot of good together. Victor Hagler

Trump may be helping her, but it has much more to do with her qualificat­ions than anything else. Plenty of us men haven't bought into the assaults on Clinton. We’re supporting her because she is, by far, the best

one for the job. It's really quite simple. Dan Marolla

Why would any intelligen­t woman vote for Clinton? She’s a proven liar with a 40-year record filled with scandals. A woman for president? Absolutely! But not Clinton. Bill Henrikson

Having been very wealthy and politicall­y powerful, Clinton has no insight into the concerns of everyday woman. The most tragic part is the high number of women who aren't voting for Clinton, but casting a vote against Trump. Charles Page


We asked our followers why they thought Hillary Clinton was getting strong support from women, including some who typically vote Republican. Gender is more important to some voters than national security, jobs, etc., or they are uninformed about what her politics have been in the last decades. @raniniteng­a As usual, women are more intelligen­t than their male counterpar­ts and voting independen­tly now. @twheels198­0 Because her presumptiv­e opponent is worse than she is. @Renie_62 People who vote for Clinton like liars, people who vote for Trump like racists. We all lose. @djaccity

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