Advice for Trump about his VP pick



The time is now for Donald Trump to

pick someone who may have to succeed him in office if he is elected, and right now the best person possible is Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. Forget the damn past, this is for the future — and that should throw politics out the window. This will also give him a chance to make a new first impression, which he might not get a chance to do again.

Kasich’s experience is more than all others on both sides of the aisle. Winning the state of Ohio is a necessity for a Republican victory this November. This also could mean winning Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, and maybe a few other states. To me, this is darn better than four years of Hillary Clinton, which most of us don’t want. Snooze and you loose. Garry Allyn DeManty Stockton, Calif.


I think being a governor is the best political job in the nation. I don’t know why any governor would give up his job to run nationally. Vicki Venhuizen

If Donald Trump was going to pick Gov. Mike Pence, you would think this would be the ideal moment to announce it. Not announcing on Wednesday makes me think he’s not picking Pence. Tom J. McConnell

Just knowing that the sight of two white men on the same ticket will send liberals skittering across the floor will be enough to get my vote! Charlie Healer

He must choose a female running mate or he loses badly. If he goes with Pence, I'll still vote for him, but I won't bother campaignin­g for Trump because he won't have a chance of winning. Billy Boyardee

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