New team finds busting ghosts is a messy business

- Bryan Alexander @BryAlexand USA TODAY

There are few humans who can legitimate­ly claim to have been slimed by a ghost.

Bill Murray’s Peter Venkman was hit with serious ectoplasm in the original 1984 Ghostbuste­rs. Kristen Wiig ’s scientist Erin Gilbert takes the slime for her team in the new Ghostbuste­rs. Repeatedly.

She loved the concept of being on the slime end of multiple jokes in the reboot (in theaters Friday), which also stars Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon.

“And I was really excited the first slime,” says Wiig, who spoke by phone after missing earlier interviews because she was sick. “Then I realized how hard it was to get the slime off. And how slippery it was. And it was like, ‘How many more days do we have?’

“But you can’t complain. It’s like, who else gets slimed at work?”

The new Ghostbuste­rs wasn’t just another day at the office for the stars or director Paul Feig. The slime work was just the messiest of it.

Wiig concedes that too much slime might have taken a longterm toll on her health.

“I might have a lawsuit on my hands, thank you,” Wiig jokes, letting out a real cough. “I’m still not sure what the slime is made of. No one will answer my calls.”

Wiig ’s most extensive sliming came after a museum apparition’s full-on ecto-eruption. “They actually laid me down on the ground and just poured slime all over me,” she says.

On the bright side, the ecto- plasm is presented as the reason for the Ghostbuste­rs’ jumpsuits (they’re slime protection). The new suits received an orange-lined facelift so they wouldn’t be exact replicas of the originals.

“We didn’t want it to be the female version — cinched waist, low-cut and high-heel boots,” Wiig says. “We wanted them to look like (Jones’) character found them, and we souped them up a little bit. It’s a very genderneut­ral hero. That’s what so great about it.”

The new suits are unveiled onscreen during a ghost-battling sequence at a heavy-metal concert shot in Boston’s Wang Theatre. McCarthy’s character Abby Yates body-surfs during the melee, requiring the actress to make her first stage dive on a set.

“I’ve been in mosh pits before, but never stage diving,” McCarthy says. “I was like, ‘What’s the secret?’ And they said you run, turn around and dive backward.”

It was a leap into the arms of trained stuntmen playing concertgoe­rs. But McCarthy loved it — she did it seven times.

“The last two times it was like, ‘Let me do one more,’ ” McCarthy says. “Because this is never going to happen to me again. No one in real life is going to catch me.”

McKinnon says her once-in-alifetime moment came as the film’s driver, because her oddball character Jillian Holtzmann was considered most likely to be behind the wheel of the Ecto-1 mobile. McKinnon cops to being a terrible driver in real life.

“Little did they know,” she says. “I just hoped I wouldn’t hurt my friends.”

McCarthy worried about that, too.

“Right before Kate really gunned it and peeled out, she was like, ‘This is probably not going to go well. And then she just hit the gas.”

 ?? PHOTOS BY SONY PICTURES ?? Just another day on the job for Abby (Melissa McCarthy), Erin (Kristen Wiig), Patty (Leslie Jones) and Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon).
PHOTOS BY SONY PICTURES Just another day on the job for Abby (Melissa McCarthy), Erin (Kristen Wiig), Patty (Leslie Jones) and Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon).
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Erin (Wiig) faces off with the slime-projecting Gertrude Aldridge Ghost (Bess Rous) of Aldridge Mansion.
Erin (Wiig) faces off with the slime-projecting Gertrude Aldridge Ghost (Bess Rous) of Aldridge Mansion.

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