One goal in Philly: Wooing and wowing young women

Dems hope guest list is a magnet for Millennial­s

- Maeve McDermott @maeve_mcdermott USA TODAY

Young women of America: The Democrats are trying to serenade you.

Unlike last week’s Republican National Convention, where the big-name stars were limited to celebs like Scott Baio and Duck

Dynasty‘ s Willie Robertson, the Democratic National Convention has featured a long list of female musicians including Demi Lovato, Alicia Keys and Katy Perry and celebritie­s such as Lena Dunham, America Ferrera and Sarah Silverman, all speaking in support of nominee Hillary Clinton.

A pattern emerges from the guest list. They’re young, female and have spoken out about feminism and liberal policies in the past. With more Millennial women voting for Bernie Sanders than Clinton in the primaries, the Democratic candidate’s convention squad of feminist-friendly celebritie­s seems like a play for young women’s votes.

“It’s the younger women that she hasn’t done as well with, and who she’s really appealing to,” said Michael Delli Carpini, Dean of the Annenberg School for Communicat­ions at the University of Pennsylvan­ia.

Iowa delegate Sruthi Palaniappa­n, one of the convention’s youngest at 18, was particular­ly inspired by Meryl Streep’s feminism-championin­g speech. “This whole convention is about the impact young women can have on the political process,” she said, explaining the power of seeing her celebrity role models support Clinton. “I think it’s important not to just support a candidate because someone famous does, but to listen to why.”

But as Clinton works to make herself as more relatable to young people, does surroundin­g herself with celebritie­s help or hurt?

According to Delli Carpini, endorsemen­ts work if the figure has expertise in an area, if they’re a trustworth­y figure to the public, or preferably both. He sees figures like Dunham and Lovato, who’ve establishe­d political activism as part of their brand, as wise alliances for the Clinton campaign to make.

“Several of those people have that kind of authentici­ty, they’ve been active in political and social issues before this campaign, so they really do have that credibilit­y,” he said.

But some younger voters think differentl­y about the Clinton campaign’s motivation­s in bringing on celebrity endorsers.

“I don’t know if Snoop Dogg endorsing Hillary means anything,” said Aaron Ghitelman, 25, the communicat­ions manager of the political advocacy non-profit HeadCount. He pointed out that while the rapper, who’s in Philadelph­ia supporting the Democratic candidate this week, supports legalizing marijuana, Clinton does not. “Snoop endorses Hillary, but she doesn’t endorse legalizati­on ... in that way, it kinda feels weird.”

HeadCount hosted concerts at both the Republican and Democratic convention­s aimed at registerin­g Millennial­s to vote. Ghitelman recommends that politician­s hoping to court Millennial voters focus on issues rather than big-name endorsemen­ts.

“To a certain extent, to use a musician to win over supporters feels like pandering,” he said.

For Alexis Waksmunski, a 23year-old Sanders delegate from Pennsylvan­ia, the big names appearing at Democratic convention­s didn’t repel her from the process, but rather pulled her in.

Attending the 2012 convention as a volunteer, she was moved enough by the big-name appearance­s and dramatic speeches to become further involved with her state’s Democratic delegation, returning four years later as a delegate.

To further connect with voters, many of the celebrity speakers shared stories of overcoming adversity, with Lovato talking mental health, Dunham speaking about her sexual assault and Ferrera and Longoria discussing immigrants’ experience­s in the U.S.

But when Sarah Silverman, previously a vocal Bernie Sanders supporter, took the stage Monday night, she skipped the personal anecdotes. Instead, she declared she’d “proudly vote” for Clinton, before blasting the Vermont sen- ator’s more radical fans.

“Can I just say to the ‘Bernie or bust’ people, you’re being ridiculous,” she said, to a mix of cheers and jeers from the crowd.

Shauna Valdez, a 25-year-old Sanders delegate from Minnesota, disagreed.

“I thought it was insulting,” she said. “Just the way she said it. She could’ve maybe given us a message why we should get behind Clinton, instead of shoot us down.”

Valdez’s colleague from Minnesota, Clinton delegate Andie Whitaker, 24, defended Silverman’s comments. “I think she was trying to cut through,” she said. “She probably offended a number of people, but at the same time, there are Sanders delegates who are open-minded to Hillary Clinton and want party unity.

Waksmunski identified herself as one of those Clinton-friendly Sanders delegates. “The ‘Bernie or bust’ movement needs to realize what they’re doing to the party as a whole,” she said. “I agreed with (Silverman) ...we need to chill out.”

 ??  ?? ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY Sarah Silverman had some pointed words.
ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY Sarah Silverman had some pointed words.
 ?? ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY ?? Actresses Lena Dunham, left, and America Ferrera
ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY Actresses Lena Dunham, left, and America Ferrera
 ?? ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY ?? Demi Lovato takes the stage.
ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAY Demi Lovato takes the stage.
 ?? ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY ?? Alicia Keys performs Tuesday.
ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAY Alicia Keys performs Tuesday.

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