‘Take a hard look at the message’

- Clarice Navarro Clarice Navarro is a Republican state representa­tive from Colorado.

A lot can happen in the days leading up to a presidenti­al election. And, after a recent meeting with Mr. Trump, I know the sparks are going to fly.

Latino voters are American voters. They want the laws followed, a safe America and a future of hope. While we may not have loved the delivery of some of Mr. Trump’s comments, his vision for “making America great again” is what matters.

We have over 70 days before the election, and there is so much more to come. I don’t believe that this election has even started until the debates begin.

Secretary Clinton has much to answer for to the American people. Hispanic Americans will see through the lies, deception and outright pandering.

We’re already seeing poll numbers changing in favor of Mr. Trump as her lies and debacles are brought to light to a generation of voters who didn’t even know the Clintons in office. I don’t believe for a second that she will have the answers that Americans deserve to hear for the problems she created.

Her time as secretary of State is marked by failure, dishonesty with the voters, email scandals that placed American security at risk, and her support of eight years of failed Obama policy. Americans are smart, and they are just in the beginning stages of making that final decision of where they want to see America go.

Again, after a recent meeting with Mr. Trump, I found him to be consultati­ve, compassion­ate, and a man who understand­s the challenges we face, not just as Latinos, but as Americans. We are desperate for a new direction, and a Clinton presidency will only offer a four-year extension of the Obama administra­tion. We deserve better now, and our children deserve better for their futures. That’s not solely a Hispanic or Latino vision; that is an American vision and hope.

There are more Hispanics living in poverty after eight failed years of Obama, and I know that Mr. Trump wants something different than that for all Americans. The pandering of the Clinton machine can’t change a failed record or her inability to be trusted. It’s time to get over the delivery and take a hard look at the message, and I believe American voters are doing just that. Si se puede!

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