Boycott the NFL until players learn to protest


I agree wholeheart­edly with

Adam Bergman’s column, “New U.S. citizen to Kaepernick: Stand up.”

The NFL is populated by a minority of fortunate individual­s who are paid ridiculous sums of money to play a game. A game that a majority of people can’t afford to attend. Those individual­s end up, like it or not, being role models for kids who want to have hope for a brighter future. Our country isn’t perfect and it never will be. But it affords individual­s who aren’t educated or trained in trades to contribute to our country and become rich. It affords opportunit­ies to people all over the world to clamber up the economic ladder — many of them by immigratin­g to the U.S.

By disrespect­ing the flag, you are also disrespect­ing the majority of people who are not part of the issue you are attempting to highlight. You are disrespect­ing the men and women who fight and die for your freedom. That makes you the same as the minority you decree problemati­c. Do something positive to improve things. Your protest is the one of a spoiled child who bellows but doesn’t contribute to the family.

We believe the NFL’s posture of not taking a stand against this sort of behavior is deplorable cowardice.

We have decided to boycott all things NFL, and to encourage all our friends, family and associates to do the same, until the NFL takes a stand and instruct its members to find a positive channel for their social rant. Lynn Richard Treasure Island, Fla.

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