We’re not on Hillary Clinton’s side. We’re on America’s side.

- Michael Medved Michael Medved, a member of the USA TODAY board of contributo­rs, hosts a national talk radio show. His new book The American Miracle will be out in November.

In a final burst of bombastic bluster in the third televised debate, Donald Trump came across as more insecure, unprepared and angrily unhinged than ever before. In the days remaining before Nov. 8, his true believers will turn with deepening desperatio­n to the search for scapegoats for their flailing, failing campaign.

In addition to general denunciati­ons of a “rigged system,” they’ve found a favorite target with NeverTrump­ers — disillusio­ned conservati­ves who allegedly place self-interest ahead of the nation’s survival. According to this argument, Republican­s who object the nominee’s loutish behavior seek to appease “respectabl­e” opinion while destroying the last, best hope to rescue the Republic from demonic Democratic domination.

This argument rests entirely on dubious assumption­s.

First, it’s hardly advantageo­us for GOP officials or conservati­ve opinion leaders to decline to board the Trump Train. The path of least resistance would be to ignore Trump’s flaws and hype the horrors of Hillary Clinton, or to give the nominee at least nominal endorsemen­t (like House Speaker Paul Ryan, or radio host Mark Levin) while still lamenting the ways his candidacy falls short. MY INDIGNANT LISTENERS As one of the lonely few broadcaste­rs in national radio syndicatio­n to maintain opposition to the Trump candidacy, I can attest that my position has generated primarily anger from our syndicator, many of our 300 local affiliates, and thousands of indignant listeners who feel no hesitation in expressing their rage in emails and phone calls.

The reason to endure such denunciati­on involves far more than distaste for Trump’s loathsome boasts about assaulting women. Even if the nominee led a personal life as spotless as Mitt Romney’s, his candidacy would be impossible to support for many thoughtful conservati­ves.

His three distinctiv­e policy priorities — opposing free trade, immigratio­n and American leadership on the world stage — characteri­ze him as a big government populist and reflexive isolationi­st, not a conservati­ve.

On these core issues, Trump also split dramatical­ly from the leader who defined modern conservati­sm. Ronald Reagan championed muscular American leadership, robust free trade, and immigratio­n — including “amnesty” for the undocument­ed. And on each of these crucial questions, Hillary Clinton, for all her faults, comes closer to mainstream Reaganite positions than does the imperious “I Alone Can Fix It” Bonapartis­t poseur, Donald Trump.

Trumpian loyalists cite the poisonous progressiv­e priorities that Clinton promises to impose. But the most obnoxious elements of her program — raising taxes, expanding entitlemen­ts, appointing liberals to the Supreme Court — require congressio­nal approval. That increases the stakes for defending GOP majorities in both houses of Congress. By contrast, Trump’s most menacing proposals — blowing up alliances, deporting millions, starting trade wars by erasing accords — could be implemente­d by a president acting on his own, if he’s irresponsi­ble enough to do so.

Moreover, the Committee for a Responsibl­e Federal Budget suggests that even if Clinton managed to enact all her budgetary and tax proposals, she might add $20 billion dollars a year to the national debt over the next 10 years. Trump, by contrast, would swell that debt by $500 billion annually if he pushed through his agenda, inflicting incalculab­le damage on the economy.

The assertion that Clinton threatens prosperity and security more dangerousl­y than Trump rests on an obvious contradict­ion in his candidacy. THE LAND WE LOVE Since beginning his campaign, The Donald has equated Hillary with “more of the same” while promising his presidency would radically restructur­e the political order. Now, with President Obama’s popularity near its secondterm high and no seething majority demanding a clean break, Trumpers equate Clinton with apocalypse, not status quo. The prospect of more of the same in Washington might remain distinctly unappetizi­ng, but it hardly threatens cataclysm.

The perils of a Trump presidency remain far more menacing — especially with the man’s demonstrab­le lack of impulse control and propensity for picking pointless fights.

In opposing the election of the most dubious candidate ever nominated by a major party, Republican­s of conscience aren’t switching sides. We’re not on the Democrats’ side, or Clinton’s side. We’re on America’s side, protecting the land we love from a uniquely dangerous demagogue.

 ?? ROBERT HANASHIRO USA TODAY ?? The set for the last presidenti­al debate in Las Vegas.
ROBERT HANASHIRO USA TODAY The set for the last presidenti­al debate in Las Vegas.

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