At final faceoff, a debate on issues breaks out, for a while


The three-part reality TV miniseries Presidenti­al Debates:

Special Victims Unit is blessedly over, leaving three major questions: Who will be elected president Nov. 8? If Donald Trump loses, as polls suggest, will he concede? And on his way to that finale, will the GOP’s wrecking ball of a nominee level the whole Republican neighborho­od or just a few blocks of it?

Those are merely the political questions, of course. At Wednesday night’s final faceoff, moderator Chris Wallace gamely tried to keep the focus on weightier questions such as the Supreme Court, immigratio­n, the federal budget, the economy, and foreign hot spots such as Iraq and Syria.

In other words, enough about “hate in her heart” and “Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200” (or $225,000 from Wall Street). Enough about snorting and sniffling and drug tests. Enough with the eye-rolling yet riveting spectacle of Trump’s say-anything, do-anything brand of psychologi­cal warfare.

The debate began promisingl­y enough, though without a handshake, launching instantly into the most divisive issues of the day — guns, abortion, immigratio­n, the Citizens United decision that has triggered a flood of what Hillary Clinton called “dark, unaccounta­ble money” into politics. While virtually everyone knows at this point that Clinton would want a Supreme Court that “stands up” for women’s and gay rights, and that Trump wants to build a wall along the Mexican border and go after “bad hombres,” the opening tone was less personal and more informativ­e than we’ve grown used to.

But the “fitness to be president” segment plunged back into familiar territory. Clinton called Trump “unfit” and a puppet of Vladimir Putin. Trump called Clinton “a nasty woman” who is running a “very sleazy” campaign that is behind the multiple women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances and groping. “Fiction,” he insisted.

Anyone looking for clarity on Clinton’s entangled interests and what Trump called “pay to play” would not have found it. More ominously, Trump contradict­ed running mate Mike Pence and refused to say that he would accept the results of what he calls a “rigged” election. “I will look at it at the time,” he said, adding: “I will keep you in suspense.” A presidenti­al nominee who undermines the peaceful transfer of power in our democracy? Appalling, and disqualify­ing.

For what it’s worth, and keeping in mind that fact-checkers won’t be able to rest for days, it was Trump’s best performanc­e, at least at the start. But to most Americans, we suspect, it is a relief that the debates are over. It is a relief for parents who won’t have to worry that the children might hear God-knows-what from a presidenti­al candidate. It will, frankly, be a relief when this ugly campaign is over and the nation can return to its regularly scheduled programmin­g.

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