- Mary Cadden and Brian Truitt

Films boost fiction: The

Girl on the Train may have been a disappoint­ment at the box office, but sales of the book that it’s based on sure aren’t. The book marks its fifth consecutiv­e week at No. 1, equaling its previous record of consecutiv­e No.1s in 2015 on USA TODAY’s Best-Selling Books List. And Girl is not the only book adapted to film to continue to have strong sales on the list. There’s Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children at No. 8, A Man Called Ove at No. 12, The Light Between Oceans at No. 21, Me Before You at No. 48 and the coming-to-theaters-soon Inferno at No. 15.

Rogue reading: Stealing the plans for the Death Star is the Rebels’ main mission of the upcoming movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but the new Star

Wars novel Rogue One: Catalyst puts a human face on the Empire’s super-weapon of mass destructio­n. Out Nov. 15, author James Luceno’s Catalyst (Del Rey) acts as a lead-up to the film (in theaters Dec. 16) by focusing on two characters who play important roles in the constructi­on of the Death Star, talented scientist Galen Erso and ambitious Imperial officer Orson Krennic. Also receiving an introducti­on:

Star Wars heroine Jyn Erso. Pablo Hidalgo, a creative executive in Lucasfilm’s Star Wars Story Group, promises that the book will answer some of the questions about the history of the moon-size Death Star, which annihilate­d the planet Alderaan — and later was blown up by Luke Skywalker — in 1977’s original Star Wars film.

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