Trump’s executive order just what he promised



On Sunday, an appeals court denied President Trump’s request to immediatel­y restore the travel ban after the Department of Homeland Security suspended all actions to implement it.

I’m concerned terrorists are going to hurry to get into the country while the refugee ban is down. We’re so busy fighting with each other that now is a great time to try to sneak people in.

I don’t agree with all President Trump does, but if you can’t see that he is only trying to protect us, you’re part of the problem. Eric Kenney

Trump is doing more damage to Americans than any Muslim can do or is capable of doing. He thinks he is doing one of his backroom “Art of the Deal” scenarios, where he can intimidate and bully someone.

This is the big leagues and just the beginning of Trump’s rude awakening. Michael Q. McFadden

When the next Islamic terrorist attack occurs on American soil, it belongs completely to leftists. Tommy Connors

The federal appeals court is prudently asking for more informatio­n by Monday, instead of making a hasty, ill-informed ruling.

The system of checks and balances among the three branches of government estab-

BUMPY START Do you think President Trump has been moving too fast in addressing the major problems facing the country? lished by the Constituti­on actually works. Hallelujah! Linn Usry-Bunch

People who show more concern for immigrants and refugees than they do their own fellow Americans make me sad. America, and Americans, first. Raymond Kevin Halpern

It looks like our federal judges will be the voice of sanity in this country. The Republican-led Congress does not have the courage to stop Trump. Ken Bauer

Trump did what he said he would do, but the court stopped him. He kept his campaign promise, that’s all he can do. President Obama had executive orders overturned by the courts too, so no big deal. Scott Simpson


We asked our followers whether President Trump’s travel ban is a good measure against terrorism.

There is no evidence that suggests the ban will work against terrorism, and it is un-American. No question that it’s wrong. @Citizen_Stephen

The ban tells our enemies that they scare us enough to make us change. It opens us up to greater danger. @LoganMcCra­y25

President Trump’s ban has zero to do with terrorism. Look at the countries where his conflicts of interest exist. Possible threats! @ChrisRaple

Excellent idea. The Islamic State terror group told its followers to infiltrate the West. Take time and evaluate the process for safety! @lpjasper63

We are at war, so a temporary halt makes sense. It’s not anti-immigratio­n, but it helps ensure safe immigratio­n for all of us. @artknapp88

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