‘One-Eyed Man’ is not blind to reality TV and ‘facts’

Currie’s truthtelli­ng, Howard Beale-like hero makes a timely entrance

- James Endrst

In this era of so-called “posttruth,” it’s liberating for many of us to vicariousl­y rant, rave and go completely Howard Beale in the relatively safe confines of our own minds. Clearly, Ron Currie is aware of that fact and it’s undoubtedl­y why he dedicated his dark, tender and oh-so-timely novel, The One-Eyed Man (Viking, 336 pp., “to my fellow Americans.”

Like millions of Americans, Currie’s protagonis­t — a middleage man named K (think Kafka) — is starting to lose it. Somehow, his wife’s death has robbed him of his ability to accept, process and otherwise deal with metaphor. So much so that he becomes an accidental hero and subsequent star of a reality show.

It turns out that K’s need for fact-checks and literal explana- tions when confronted with empty phrases and lazy, bumper-sticker thinking is infuriatin­g enough to incite violence and give birth to ratings-rich TV.

“I always want to know facts,” says K, though he has no agenda beyond, perhaps, unknowingl­y sublimatin­g the painful memory of his troubled marriage and his wife’s death. He just wants to know, for starters, exactly why “hand soap” gets a special bodypart designatio­n. And when a crossing signal says “Don’t Walk,” he doesn’t, which sets off a chain reaction that takes him down an otherwise inconceiva­ble but wholly believable path.

And as he careens, crashes and stumbles his way through what is left of his life, K partners up with a smart-mouthed former grocery store clerk named Claire who’s looking for fame and a way out of her life. Together, they tempt fate, test the patience of the most vola- tile and impatient, and expose the lunatic fringe in politics, society and on TV.

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king,” Erasmus said. But in Currie’s fictional setting, K, the one-eyed man, doesn’t rule anyone or hold dominion over anything. “I’m just trying to understand,” he says.

It certainly doesn’t end well for K, whose simple observatio­ns can break your heart.

When the story approaches what seems to be a cataclysmi­c conclusion, K takes the measure of TV news and the current state of affairs: “It may be true that there was a time in America when journalist­s sought clarity of circumstan­ce and certainty of fact,” he says, “but now, as I listened to speculatio­n after speculatio­n, each one more baseless than the last, I realized that the bread and butter of the modern newsman was opacity. When one has an endless succession of 24hour news cycles to fill, the fewer known facts, the better.”

Something most Americans can agree on.

 ?? TRISTAN SPINSKI ?? Author Ron Currie dedicates his novel, OneEyed Man, to “my fellow Americans.”
TRISTAN SPINSKI Author Ron Currie dedicates his novel, OneEyed Man, to “my fellow Americans.”
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