Trump tax bombshell lands with a thud


The White House confirmed Tuesday that President Trump paid $38 million in federal income tax in 2005, jumping ahead of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who was set to reveal the same informatio­n on her show.

He made $150 million and paid $38 million in taxes? Sounds about right. This is not a story. The story is: Trump makes a lot of money yearly and he pays a lot of money in taxes. David Groner

This is exactly the response Trump is looking for. His voters are energized and forgetting about “Trumpcare” and wiretappin­g claims. I want to see all his taxes with all schedules. Until then, it’s just smoke and mirrors. Alex Freez

This is great news for Trump and debunks those who assumed he paid no taxes. Liberals stepped on their own tails. Larry Cohen

This just shows that the tax code is stacked in favor of billionair­es. Why do hardworkin­g middle-class people pay more in taxes than billionair­es? Joe Doerger

Isn’t it a felony to steal tax returns and release them? Could someone in the Internal Revenue Service access my returns and share them with the public? This is not OK! I don’t really care if Trump releases his tax returns, but I do mind someone who’s willing to access a citizen’s returns and share them! Michael Grubb

It sounds to me like just another witch hunt. They want to see whether Trump is as successful as he says he is, whether he gave to charity, and whether he used tax loopholes. Autumn Frost

Trump probably released his 2005 tax informatio­n to deflect from some other item the White House is trying to sneak past the public. Two pages is scant for a person with that kind of wealth, but it will placate the right. Stacie Derepentig­ny

We want to see Trump’s tax returns for the last 10 years, when he may have paid virtually no taxes and so it’s clear who he does business with. Michael Fetzer

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