Flynn’s immunity request brings back memories


When the news broke that former security

adviser Michael Flynn was seeking immunity, we couldn’t help but harken back to the words of, well, former security adviser Flynn who questioned — during Donald Trump’s campaign — why anyone who had nothing to hide would employ such a strategy.

Interestin­gly enough, his now former boss President Trump said the same thing at the time. And many more on the Republican side went further, saying that if anyone in the Hillary Clinton camp pleaded the Fifth during the investigat­ion into her private emails and server, it would have also been an admission of guilt.

Well, guess what? Flynn is just following his leader, who after all, in many ways and in many forms has given himself immunity or pleaded the Fifth himself (choose your own cover) regarding the release of his own taxes. Norman Bender Woodbridge, Conn.

What consequenc­es does a person face if he

lies during sworn testimony to the Senate? Do the consequenc­es for perjury apply to government officials, including the chief law enforcemen­t officer, Attorney General Jeff Sessions? During his confirmati­on hearing, under oath, he said he had no contact with Russian officials during Donald Trump’s campaign. That was untrue.

Subsequent­ly, Sessions tried to minimize his perjury by saying he hadn’t met with Russians as Trump’s representa­tive. Does redefining untrue statements absolve the perjurer from culpabilit­y?

Similarly, former security adviser Michael Flynn may have broken the law when he failed to disclose his lobbyist arrangemen­t for the government of Turkey, while also serving in Trump’s presidenti­al campaign. After this violation was uncovered, he belatedly submitted a disclosure form. Does post-factual disclosure absolve Flynn of criminal culpabilit­y? Bruce Joffe Piedmont, Calif.

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