On many campuses in 2017, it appears to be neither the time nor the place

- Rick Hampson @rickhampso­n USA TODAY

Caution: If you attend a campus commenceme­nt address this spring, you could be entering a no-Trump zone.

Most college and university graduation speakers contacted by USA TODAY said they would not address the elephant in the stadium. And mention of the president and party politics has been conspicuou­sly absent from the speeches that already have been given.

“If they invited a politician to speak, they’d get what they expected. Since they didn’t, I’ll take that as a direction” and avoid the subject, said former astronaut Kathryn Thornton, who will speak at Sweet Briar College in Virginia.

“Anybody whose commenceme­nt speech could be put on the editorial page of a newspaper doesn’t understand the job,” said Anthony Esolen, an English literature scholar who will speak at Hillsdale College in Michigan. His advice: “Leave the shifting sand dunes of the day far behind.”

As for President Trump, he said: “Why on earth should I mention the president? …. I have instead to decide whether I will talk about Milton or Dante or Dr. Johnson …”

That seems a sound approach to Cristina Negrut, a connoisseu­r of commenceme­nt speeches who founded the site graduation­

Love Trump or hate him, “we already have enough people trying to label him, like Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes,” Negrut said. “Another label — ‘liar’ or something — is not helpful.”

The talk at graduation is of everything but Trump, including memories of a graduation past (writing coach Roy Peter Clark at Providence College); indigenous American languages (2016 MacArthur genius grant winner Daryl Baldwin at Miami University in Ohio); mountain climbing (mountainee­r Conrad Anker at the University of Utah).

Commenceme­nt speakers cited tried and true rules for commenceme­nt speeches to explain why they will not talk about the man everyone else seems to be talking about.

“If they invited a politician to speak, they’d get what they expected. Since they didn’t, I’ll take that as a direction.” Former astronaut Kathryn Thornton

IT’S ABOUT THE GRADUATES, NOT THE SPEAKER’S POLITICS The most common advice a firsttime graduation speaker receives may be “it’s not about you.”

That’s good counsel, said CNN political analyst Fareed Zakaria, who has delivered commenceme­nt addresses at Harvard, Sarah Lawrence and the University of Oklahoma and this year speaks at Bucknell. “My views on Donald Trump are well known and easily discoverab­le. There’s no need for me to impress them on students and their families.”

BUT IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT THE GRADUATES Even if the graduate would enjoy hearing the speaker trash the president, Grandpa or Grandma — who keeps Fox News on all day — might not. And it’s his day, too.

ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE “You want to strike a celebrator­y note,” Esolen said, and an optimistic one. These days, that pretty much rules out politics. “I’ll leave notions of ‘American carnage’ for another venue, Thornton said — a dry allusion to the signature phrase in Trump’s inaugural address.

ELIMINATE THE EPHEMERAL Esolen said politics is fine in a commenceme­nt speech — “if you are talking about Edmund Burke or Tocquevill­e or Aristotle.”

Writer Anna Quindlen, who estimates that she has given three dozen commenceme­nt speeches over the years, plans to strike a similar note at Washington University in St. Louis: “I prefer to try something that will stand the test of time.”

Jonathan LaPook, CBS News’ medical correspond­ent and an NYU professor of medicine, said he doesn’t plan to touch on the health care debate when he speaks at Quinnipiac University Medical School: “This is their first graduating class, so I have to be a little evergreen.”

MAKE ’EM LAUGH “Funny speeches are best,” said Negrut, the speech maven. She points to Modern Family sitcom creator Steve Levitan’s You Tube video previewing his speech this month at his alma mater, the University of Wisconsin-Madison. It features MF’s Phil Dunphy (Ty Burrell) announcing Levitan as the speaker but claiming never to have heard of him.

Zakaria said that if he mentions Trump at all, he probably will do so humorously, because “there is so much about him that lends itself to humor.” But that’s also tough, he said: “There is so much competitio­n.”

Clark, founder of the National Writers Workshop, recalls the uses of humor from his own graduation from Providence in the grim Vietnam War year of 1970, when spring classes ended early because of anti-war protests.

The commenceme­nt speaker was political humorist Art Buchwald. He didn’t attack President Nixon by name, but he let the graduates — some of whom would be drafted — know he understood their concerns about Nixon and the war. Clark never forgot how Buchwald ended: “Years from now, when people ask you what you did at your graduation, you can say you laughed.”

SINCERITY AND LEVITY Some speakers will talk about Trump. Maz Jobrani, the IranianAme­rican stand-up comedian, is giving the speech at his alma mater, University of California­Berkeley. “I have to talk about him, because I’m an immigrant,” he said. “The best graduation talks are sincere, and I have a lot of sincere feelings about his impact. He needs to take responsibi­lity for his words.” Some audiences want a political message. On a campus like Berkeley, which has become a battlegrou­nd over political speech, an anti-Trump message presumably would resonate. A place like Liberty University in Virginia, where Trump himself will deliver the commenceme­nt, is another story.

“How to handle the national zeitgeist at this particular moment is a struggle,” Quindlen said. “I’m hoping to speak to the graduates about who we are as individual­s and as a nation, and who we hope to be, in a way that is informed at some level by the tone in Washington.”

During commenceme­nt season 2016, when Trump was the presumptiv­e GOP nominee, he was the target of several high-profile attacks. At Stanford, documentar­ian Ken Burns accused Trump (without mentioning his name) of nurturing “an incipient protofasci­sm” as well as “jingoistic saber-rattling ” and “dictatoria­l tendencies.”

He acknowledg­ed that it was an unusual setting for such a polemic but said, “There comes a time when I — and you — can no longer remain neutral, silent.” He got a standing ovation.

This year, many campus speakers are politician­s — Joe Biden at Cornell, Colby and Harvard, Hillary Clinton at Wellesley and Medgar Evers College in New York City, Bernie Sanders at Brooklyn College, Sen. Elizabeth Warren at UMass-Amherst and Wheelock College, Vice President Pence at the Naval Academy and Notre Dame, and Trump at the Coast Guard Academy.

It’s not clear whether their speeches will be partisan. One early return: House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, speaking May 1 at Fisk University in Nashville, did not mention Trump, saying only that “The election showed how much work needs to be done to rid our nation of negative attitudes.”

Thornton, who teaches at the University of Virginia, said speakers should understand that the world will not long remember what they say: “I’ve been going to graduation­s for over 20 years, and I can’t remember a word, or who gave it. I’m speaking on Saturday; by Sunday they’ll have forgotten everything.

“So I figure the pressure is off.”

 ?? HEATHER ROUSSEAU, AP ?? At commenceme­nt ceremonies like this one held Saturday at Radford University, politics and the president will likely be absent. Speakers are choosing to avoid touchy topics.
HEATHER ROUSSEAU, AP At commenceme­nt ceremonies like this one held Saturday at Radford University, politics and the president will likely be absent. Speakers are choosing to avoid touchy topics.
 ?? AP ??
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Jobrani
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Zakaria

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