Trump’s intel disclousur­e goes ‘beyond the pale’



LETTERS LETTERS@USATODAY.COM President Trump reportedly disclosed highly classified informatio­n to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador at the White House last week.

Could you imagine if Hillary Clinton did what Trump did? Republican­s would be lining up to impeach her. I just think Trump’s crazy and I want him out. I don’t like Vice President Pence either, but I don’t think he’s crazy! Don Sciorra

We could have a real Watergate here folks! Not really. The president discussing terrorism using informatio­n he’s been given. Does it get any more exciting than that? Rudyard Mortensen

There is a reason why the American people want an independen­t investigat­ion, free from intimidati­on, coercion and threats from the president and his pals.

This is way past partisan nonsense. Rule of law or Russian fascism, which will it be? David Gregory

And you thought a server in the basement was bad! This is beyond the pale. Ask yourself, if Clinton had won and done all these things, would you be defending her? Of course not! You’re putting your party before the country. The double standard is just foul. Impeach Trump! Drain the swamp, starting with the orange man. Jeff Gordon Trump loose lips are endangerin­g our military and informants. Valerie Higbie

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