Media narrative doesn’t add up

- Ronna McDaniel

In his prepared testimony, former FBI director James Comey once again confirmed that he told President Trump three times that he was not under investigat­ion and reaffirmed that the president did not impede the FBI’s investigat­ion into Russia.

Democrats and the alarmist news media machine have already begun twisting the testimony, but the facts couldn’t be any clearer.

In his public testimony on May 3, Comey himself said that at no point was he asked to stop an investigat­ion for a political reason. Nothing in his written testimony contradict­s this statement. Then again, on May 11, acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe corroborat­ed Comey’s testimony when he told the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee that there had been no effort to impede their investigat­ion. So unless Comey and McCabe both perjured themselves before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee, the ongoing Trump-Russia media narrative just doesn’t add up.

The fact of the matter is that Comey lost the confidence of leaders on both sides of the aisle. The president knew firing Comey would come with lots of backlash, but a strong leader doesn’t cave to political pressures. Unlike Democrats who all of a sudden are crying foul on Comey’s firing, after months of asking for the same, President Trump will not be whipped around in the political winds.

Try as they may to find new ways of packaging old informatio­n, the fact remains that there has still been no evidence to suggest the president was the subject of or impeded an FBI investigat­ion.

The constant media feeding frenzy reeks of desperatio­n to keep a fabricated anti-Trump narrative alive despite there being no basis in fact. The effort by the left to distract from the work the president is doing on behalf of the American people is truly troubling, yet this administra­tion remains laserfocus­ed on advancing the agenda he promised to the American people.

That is what President Trump was elected to do, and no amount of Democratic obstructio­n or media distractio­n will stop him from working day in and day out to fulfill those promises.

Ronna McDaniel is chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.

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