Study shows U.S. image has plummeted under Trump

Survey of 37 nations shows views of U.S. president have suffered but support in Russia and Israel is strong compared with Obama

- John Bacon @jmbacon USA TODAY

Russia is a fan, but President Trump and his policies are generally drawing a global thumbs down, a new Pew Research Center survey suggests.

The survey of 37 nations found a median of only 22% of respondent­s had confidence Trump will do the right thing when it comes to internatio­nal affairs, compared with 64% trust in President Obama during the final years of his administra­tion.

U.S. prestige also took a hit. A median of 49% said they had a positive view of the United States now compared with 64% during Obama’s tenure.

“The drop in favorabili­ty ratings for the United States is widespread,” the Pew study said. “The share of the public with a positive view of the U.S. has plummeted in a diverse set of countries from Latin America, North America, Europe, Asia and Africa.”

Eric Schiffer, CEO of Reputation Management Consultant­s, told USA TODAY the impact of Trump on U.S. prestige may not be a long-term issue.

“The internatio­nal community sees the American people torn in their support of Trump,” Schiffer said. “This is not a scalding referendum on America from people internatio­nally; it’s a reveal of the obsessivel­y negative feelings they have on Trump and his America-first agenda.”

The news wasn’t all bad for Trump: Respondent­s in Russia and Israel had more faith in Trump than Obama. And Trump can take solace that the leaders of China and Russia aren’t winning any popularity contests, either. Vladimir Putin’s median score across the 37 nations was 27%, China’s Xi Jinping was 28%.

The lack of confidence in Trump is influenced by his policies and his character, the study says. His plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border was opposed by a median of 76% across the 37 countries surveyed. Opposition is strongest in Mexico, where 94% oppose the wall.

A median of 75% viewed him as arrogant — and 62% as dangerous.

“Around the globe, people associate a number of negative characteri­stics with the U.S. leader,” Pew said. “Most say he is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous, while few think of him as well-qualified or as someone who cares about ordinary people.”

Russia stood out as a consistent backer of the president: 53% of respondent­s expressed support in his internatio­nal decisions. Obama had the faith of only 11% of Russian respondent­s in surveys late in his presidency.

Trump drew 56% support in Israel compared with Obama’s 49%.

The survey was conducted among 40,447 respondent­s in 37 countries outside the U.S. from Feb. 16 to May 8, 2017.

“This is not a scalding referendum on America ... it’s a reveal of the obsessivel­y negative feelings they have on Trump and his America-first agenda.” Eric Schiffer, Reputation Management Consultant­s


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