How to save if YOLO is your motto

‘You only live once,’ but you’ll still need cash to retire. Here’s how to plan ahead while living in the moment

- Tanisha A. Sykes

Zoe Dawkins loves to live for today.

The 28-year-old communicat­ions specialist at, an online resource for finding job listings, says, “I really value the idea of ‘happiness now,’ so I spend a lot of my money on travel, entertainm­ent and gifts.”

Dawkins is the quintessen­tial YOLO, a term coined by Millennial­s, short for “You only live once.” It makes sense, especially since she grew up in a family that valued having experience­s over saving for the future.

“My Mom changed careers so many times throughout my life,” Dawkins explains. “She would give up an entire business based on whatever she wanted to do and just take off and go to Thailand.”

While some view that behavior as flighty, Dawkins sees it as freeing. “It made me realize that I could do anything,” she says.

But before she began dating her boyfriend, who also is a financial adviser, money was flying out the door. “There have been times when debt has mounted up, or I wasn’t able to bail myself out when a medical crisis hit,” Dawkins says. After working with him to fix her finances, she set a budget and began putting money into a 401(k).

Now, instead of spending thousands on a lux jaunt to Bali or hitting happy hour daily, she tracks her weekly expenses using Google Sheets, which allows users to create and modify spreadshee­ts and share the data online.

“Working with a financial adviser who understand­s my priorities and outlook on life has been incredibly helpful,” Dawkins says. “He gives me a lot of insight into my own spending and has taught me that saving/investing doesn’t have to be burdensome; it can be freeing.”

Dawkins’ budget includes $1,000 a month for food and en- tertainmen­t, $500 for travel and $350 for gifts. And in January, she started automatica­lly investing $400 a month in her company’s 401(k) plan. On top of that, she receives up to 6% in matching funds from her employer. She also has $10,000 saved in an emergency account.

“It’s nice to know that saving smartly and living a full life don’t have to be mutually exclusive,” she says.

Even so, she knows she’s being a bit skimpy on saving for retirement. Dawkins says she likely will invest more once she gets promoted and earns a higher salary. But at the same time, “I don’t regret any of the things that I spend my money on or all of the adventures I have had,” she says. “I want a life that burns with passion, and I feel I have that.”

Her best advice for other YOLO investors is simple: “Keep the balance,” she says. “Decide what you really need to be happy and what you need to do to be secure. Then, set those things up.”

Russell Robertson, a certified financial planner and owner of ATI Wealth Partners in Atlanta, says Dawkins was setting herself up to be in a bad financial position. “Before Zoe met with an adviser, there was a tendency to spend a lot with no real emphasis on saving, aside from a cursory amount,” he says. TIPS FROM AN ADVISER Like Dawkins, there are steps YOLO investors can take to start putting aside money for the future without giving up their lifestyle.

Robertson offers this advice:

uSave separately for emergencie­s.

A lot of life is planning for the unexpected. Dawkins is saving more now for emergencie­s, but Robertson would like that money funneled to a dedicated emergency fund in an online bank such as Ally, Capital One or AMEX. “If your car breaks and you suddenly need $3,000 or $4,000, you’re not going to be able to take those road trips you planned,” he says.

uBuild toward life goals.

For YOLOs, it’s difficult to commit to saving for retirement because it feels like a nebulous thing. “We’re not just saving for retirement but also for starting a family, buying a house or taking a really lavish European vacation,” Robertson says.

uLive beyond the moment.

Robertson tries to convey this message to his YOLO clients: “Yes, this moment is important, but temper that with a little bit of FOMO for the future,” he says, referring to fear of missing out. You may have a great day today, but if you lose your job tomorrow, now what?

uMake saving uncon-

scious. Sign up for automatic deductions in the company 401(k). Robertson advises people to save 10% to 15%. If you don’t see the money coming out of your paycheck, you’ll never miss it.

 ?? CHRIS DUNCAN ?? Before Zoe Dawkins, 28, began tracking her monthly spending, money was flying out the door.
CHRIS DUNCAN Before Zoe Dawkins, 28, began tracking her monthly spending, money was flying out the door.

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