McConnell forging ahead on Obamacare repeal vote

In McCain’s absence, passing health care bill a difficult task

- Eliza Collins Contributi­ng: Herb Jackson and Ledyard King

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is likely to hold a vote to proceed on some form of legislatio­n to try to repeal Obamacare next week, despite the fact that Sen. John McCain probably won’t be back in Washington to cast his vote.

The Arizona Republican senator’s absence, in addition to the GOP members who have announced their opposition to the bill, makes it even harder for McConnell to round up the votes to pass a bill.

McConnell’s spokesman David Popp told USA TODAY on Thursday that the vote is still on despite the news Wednesday night that McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer. McCain is reviewing his treatment options in Arizona, and it is not clear when he will return to Washington. Senate rules require that a lawmaker be at the U.S. Capitol to cast a vote.

Despite frustratio­n about the closed-door process the GOP leadership took in drafting the health care legislatio­n, McCain was not likely to be one of the lawmakers blocking a bill. Republican­s hold such a narrow majority, 52-48, that even with McCain’s vote, they can lose the votes of only two senators and still pass a bill.

Four GOP lawmakers have said they will vote against the Senate bill, known as the Better Care Reconcilia­tion Act, that would repeal and replace Obamacare.

Three senators announced opposition to an alternate plan that would repeal Obamacare without a replacemen­t, designed to force Democrats to the table to negotiate a replacemen­t down the road.

As of Thursday afternoon, it was not clear which bill would be brought up for a vote.

Asked whether there was an agreement on what version of the health care bill will be voted on next week, Sen. Bill Cassidy, RLa., replied, “Simple answer — no.” At least a dozen other senators at the Capitol on Thursday were unclear about what the final legislatio­n would look like.

“We need to get on the bill to debate further,” Cassidy said, referring to the “motion to proceed” vote, which would bring the bill to the floor for discussion. That motion requires 50 votes, and Cassidy would not confirm whether he would vote to bring the bill up. “We don’t know how things are set up yet.”

“We’re really working to try to get agreement (on health care), but obviously, yeah, it’s more challengin­g ” to pass legislatio­n without McCain, Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D., said Wednesday night as he left a gathering of GOP lawmakers trying to hash out difference­s on the health care legislatio­n.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, a member of GOP leadership, said Thursday he wasn’t sure how to get a bill that would satisfy everyone, particular­ly in light of McCain’s absence. But he said it was possible. “If we can get everybody to cooperate,” legislatio­n can pass next week, Hatch said.

“I’ll let the leadership make that decision,” Sen. Mike Rounds, R- S.D., said about whether Republican­s should move forward on a vote without McCain in attendance. “But you never know about John, he may be on his way here right now — you never know.”

In a tweet Thursday morning, McCain promised a speedy return. “I greatly appreciate the outpouring of support — unfortunat­ely for my sparring partners in Congress, I’ll be back soon, so stand by!” McCain said.

If McCain does continue to work, he won’t be the only member of Congress to return to the Capitol while receiving medical treatment.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., was 86 when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer in February 2010. He returned to Washington the following month and continued to vote and attend hearings while getting chemothera­py.

At age 75, Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa., chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee during contentiou­s hearings on the nomination of John Roberts to be Supreme Court chief justice in 2005, weeks after Specter completed chemothera­py for Hodgkin’s disease.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., had seven surgeries over the course of a year for breast cancer while managing the House Democrats’ 2008 campaign to capture Republican-held seats and serving as a surrogate speaker for President Obama’s reelection campaign.

“We’re really working to try to get agreement (on health care), but obviously, yeah, it’s more challengin­g” to pass legislatio­n without McCain. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D.

 ?? ANDREW HARNIK, AP ?? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still plans to hold a vote next week on some form of legislatio­n that would repeal Obamacare despite the absence of Sen. John McCain.
ANDREW HARNIK, AP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still plans to hold a vote next week on some form of legislatio­n that would repeal Obamacare despite the absence of Sen. John McCain.
 ?? WIN MCNAMEE, GETTY IMAGES ?? Sen. John McCain has been diagnosed with brain cancer.
WIN MCNAMEE, GETTY IMAGES Sen. John McCain has been diagnosed with brain cancer.

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