Donald in Wonderland: Russia denials defy belief


President Trump continues to insist that any collusion between his campaign team and Russia is “phony” and a “witch hunt.” On Sunday, the president’s new communicat­ions director, Anthony Scaramucci, said “the Russian thing is a nonsensica­l thing.”

To believe that, however, is to be like the White Queen in Alice

Through the Looking Glass: You would have to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast. You would have to believe:

That all the emerging contacts, phone calls and meetings between Team Trump and Russian proxies, in the midst of Russia’s cyber and disinforma­tion campaign aimed at influencin­g U.S. elections, were innocent and coincident­al.

That when Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-campaign manager Paul Manafort met in June 2016 with Russians dangling dirt on Hillary Clinton — “part of Russia and its government’s support of Mr. Trump,” the invitation email read — it was just naive openness to opposition research that came to naught, not attempted collusion that contradict­ed previous denials of any contacts between campaign officials and Russian operatives.

That Donald Trump knew nothing about this meeting and it was pure happenstan­ce that, three hours after his son agreed to the meeting, the presidenti­al candidate gave a speech boasting he would soon release informatio­n about Clinton’s “corrupt dealings.”

That the initial failure of Kushner to mention several contacts with Russians on his security clearance forms, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ failure to tell Congress about meetings with the Russian ambassador to the United States, represente­d mere oversight or forgetfuln­ess.

That the president knows better than the entire intelligen­ce community, which concluded that Russia hacked American democracy and views Vladimir Putin as a formidable adversary, not as a strong leader worthy of admiration.

That there’s nothing suspicious about recent discussion of presidenti­al pardons and efforts to tarnish the investigat­ion of special counsel Robert Mueller, the widely respected former head of the FBI.

In the real world, as opposed to wonderland, a president with nothing to hide would welcome an investigat­ion that would find him faultless.

He would praise Sessions for taking the ethical step of recusing himself from the Russia investigat­ion. He would demand transparen­cy from aides regarding their contacts with Russians. (Kushner’s detailed, 11-page statement Monday was a start in that direction.) And he would want them to testify voluntaril­y, under oath and in public.

As this tale continues to unfold, the public should ask itself this: If stories about Russian interferen­ce are really “fake news,” then why are the president and many of his men acting so guilty?

 ?? CHRIS KLEPONIS, POOL PHOTO ?? President Trump at the White House on Monday.
CHRIS KLEPONIS, POOL PHOTO President Trump at the White House on Monday.

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