Give the Russia nonsense a rest

- Tomi Lahren

President Trump recently called Washington more of a sewer than a swamp. With the stench of blatant bias and partisansh­ip surroundin­g the Russia probe worsening by the day, he’s right.

You’d think after more than six months of this Russia nonsense, they’d give it a rest. But that’s what the Democratic Party does in place of policy.

The Democrats’ chorus of praise for special counsel Robert Mueller is at a fever pitch. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee, blessed Mueller with an unpreceden­tedly broad mandate, tweeting that it’s “his duty” to investigat­e “anything that arises.” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said firing Mueller would be a “cataclysm.”

Liberal whining about the Trump administra­tion is expected, but the hypocrisy about the “independen­t” Russian probe is ridiculous. In just months, the person once blamed for Hillary Clinton’s defeat, James Comey, has transforme­d into a valiant public servant who spawned this important inquiry.

Peel back just a few layers on Mueller’s probe and it’s purely partisan. Only in Washington does this investigat­ion pass as “independen­t.”

Several members of Mueller’s team show obvious bias. Jeannie Rhee donated to a Clinton Super PAC; she represente­d the Clinton Foundation in a 2015 racketeeri­ng case and Clinton herself in a lawsuit seeking access to her emails. Andrew Weissmann donated six times to Obama-affiliated groups. James Quarles gave to more than a dozen Democratic PACs since the 1980s.

Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. have shown integrity and transparen­cy. Both have voluntary released more informatio­n to the public than was asked. Democrats, Hollywood liberals and leftist mainstream news media want to find collusion to validate their election bitterness. Meanwhile, President Trump and his administra­tion are working to make America great again.

It’s a shame Americans must turn on cable news to hear the same tired Russia story ad nauseam for hours, days and months on end. That’s not news, that’s a witch hunt.

Tomi Lahren is senior adviser for Great America Alliance.

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