Hollywood elites might be right about Trump



Sorry, Tomi Lahren. You are so wrong.

Unlike what you state in your column “Give the Russia nonsense a rest,” the Russian issue needs to be brought to an end soon, and we need to know all the facts. I continue to be surprised by all the protests from President Trump and his administra­tion, and throwing up various road blocks to stop this investigat­ion. If Trump has nothing to hide, then he should welcome this investigat­ion to prove him right.

And if Russia had a bigger influence on our election, then we need to be aware and take actions so this does not happen in future elections. What is so wrong about getting facts as opposed to the alternativ­e facts of the administra­tion?

Lahren claims there’s transparen­cy from White House adviser Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr.? Oh, and Trump Jr. only released his emails after

The New York Times forced his hand. That’s not very transparen­t.

Stop criticizin­g the “the Hollywood liberals and leftist mainstream news media.” Maybe they are right, and Trump’s administra­tion is not doing what’s right for the country. Ronald P. Grimm Danville, Pa.

According to Lahren: “It’s a shame

Americans must turn on cable news to hear the same tired Russia story.” Really? And must they? They have a choice. Cable news, including Fox News, has rightly judged that the story is newsworthy and viewers are interested.

I haven’t turned on cable news for weeks now, and it hasn’t made any difference in my views on the Russia matter. News on cable get repeated throughout the day because different people watch at different times of the day. Or is Lahren unaware of this fact, too? In fairness to Lahren, the piece of nonsense from her was probably the best any Trump supporter could produce, so kudos! James A. Elliott Arlington, Va.


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