The global financial crash: 10 years later

What has changed since the meltdown

- Kim Hjelmgaard

Ten years ago Wednesday, French bank BNP Paribas blocked withdrawal­s from hedge funds that specialize­d in U.S. mortgage debt. That Aug. 9, 2007, marked the beginning of a credit crisis that ushered in the Great Recession of 2007-09.

“It’s true that the subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S. started a little earlier, in February 2007, but the money markets did not notice until that day in August,” said Alexis Stenfors, a former trader for Merrill Lynch who lost his company $450 million on currency bets. He is a business professor at Britain’s University of Portsmouth. “We realized that this problem was going to be a lot bigger than American subprime mortgages and that it was going to spread to all markets — everywhere.”

A decade after the meltdown, here’s what’s changed.


Starting in 2008, central banks took coordinate­d action for the first time in history to save the global financial system by slashing interest rates, recapitali­zing lenders, buying up toxic assets and injecting liquidity into economies through government bondpurcha­se programs.

Never before had the U.S. Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, Bank of Japan and others worked together to try to ward off the threat of global recession, according to Stenfors. “They did things that people didn’t realize central banks could or would ever do on such a large scale,” he said.


The list of financial regulation­s introduced since the crisis is long. The 2010 Dodd-Frank law in the USA forced banks to hold more capital to cover potential losses, restricted speculativ­e trading and obliged lenders to separate investment and consumer divisions to curtail their ability to use their firm’s money for risky trades. The Trump administra­tion wants to roll back DoddFrank restrictio­ns.

In Europe, policymake­rs attempted to make the region’s fi- nancial sector more resilient by enhancing the European Central Bank’s powers to supervise banks.


In August 2007, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s benchmark interest rate that affects credit cards, home equity credit and other consumer loan rates stood at 5.25%.

Today, despite four rate hikes since December 2015, the federal fund’s interest rate is in a meager range of 1% to 1.25%. In the United Kingdom, the rate is a record low 0.25%, down from 5.75% a decade ago. The European Central Bank’s benchmark rate is at zero. It was 4% in 2007. Even rates in high-growth China have come down — to 4.3% from as high as 7.5% in 2007.

These extremely low rates reflect not just the slow global recovery from the Great Recession but extraordin­arily low inflation even as growth picks up. Low interest rates have helped those who have mortgages and other debts but has been painful for savers.


Last week, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund said the economic outlook for France, Germany, Italy and Spain was brightenin­g. Eurostat, the statistics agency for the 19 countries that use the euro currency, forecast annual eurozone growth to hit 2.1% this year, the fastest pace in a decade. The unemployme­nt rate in Spain, one of the nations hardest hit by the financial crisis, recently saw joblessnes­s fall below 4 million for the first time in eight years.

In the USA, stocks trade at record levels, and July’s jobs report from the Labor Department showed a 16-year low unemployme­nt rate of 4.3%. The Bank for Internatio­nal Settlement­s, which serves central banks, noted in June that the global economy’s “near-term prospects were the best in a long time.”

The recovery has been uneven. In Greece, which struggles with crushing debts, unemployme­nt is about 25%. Brazil’s economy contracted 3.6% last year, and the country is stuck in its worst recession.

“Regulators have made a lot changes and beefed up their capabiliti­es, central bankers have intervened with all these extraordin­ary measures, but the economies are not doing that great,” Stenfors said.

 ?? AP ?? ABC’s news ticker displays news about the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008, in New York’s Times Square.
AP ABC’s news ticker displays news about the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sept. 15, 2008, in New York’s Times Square.

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