Trump wants to drain the internatio­nal swamp



President Trump began his United Nations trip by calling on the internatio­nal body to improve the way it does business, and to pay more of the costs for joint projects such as peacekeepi­ng.

The U.N. is a much bigger swamp than the U.S. federal government. It’s nice to hear Trump publicly calling it out for what it is. Jim Reid

Pot, meet kettle. Trump tells the U.N. to reform itself, then plugs Trump World Tower, and other countries lose what little respect he might have still had. William Travis

Trump goes to the U.N., insults it and leaves. The U.S. is rapidly losing allies because our president just won’t shut up. He also promoted one of his own business projects. Trump is using the presidency as an opportunit­y to get rich, which could violate the emoluments clause. Cynthia Queen

Trump has no idea what the emoluments clause is. Melissa Calandro

Trump was giving the U.N. credit for helping make his tower successful. If people see that as a violation of any kind, then they need some serious help. Bill Wilson

I remember a course giving the U.N. credit for why we hadn’t had a world war since its inception. Nuclear destructio­n might have more to do with it, than the opportunit­y to debate on a security council, but we’ll give credit where credit is due.

I don’t want the U.N. to disappear, but seeing some of the decisions that it makes, I don’t want it to have any serious global power, either. Douglas Miller

The key to success is never let the bankruptin­g of your own business (more than once) stop you from lecturing others about mismanagem­ent. John Sullivan

Sorry, but an organizati­on that is good at bashing Israel and the U.S. for civil rights violations while ignoring everyone else is a joke. Barry Levy

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