Grassley seeks more info about Comey’s decision on Clinton

- Erin Kelly

“Although Director Comey’s original version of his statement acknowledg­ed that Secretary Clinton had violated the statute ... he nonetheles­s exonerated her.” Chuck Grassley Senate Judiciary chairman

WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said Monday he is seeking more details about James Comey’s decision as FBI director not to seek criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of State.

Specifical­ly, the Iowa Republican wants to know why Comey exonerated Clinton in his public remarks in July 2016 when Comey had concluded in an earlier draft that Clinton violated a statute prohibitin­g “gross negligence in the handling of classified informatio­n.”

“Although Director Comey’s original version of his statement acknowledg­ed that Secretary Clinton had violated the statute ... he nonetheles­s exonerated her in that early, May 2nd draft statement anyway, arguing that this part of the statute should not be enforced,” Grassley said in a letter Monday to current FBI Director Christophe­r Wray.

In a later version of those remarks, dated June 10, 2016, Comey deleted that legal language, instead referring to Clinton and her aides as “extremely careless,” the senator said.

Comey announced in July 2016 that he would not recommend charges against Clinton over her use of the private email server, although he chastised her and her aides for carelessne­ss and said Clinton should have known better.

“Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said at the time.

Grassley seeks the original format of the draft remarks, wanting to determine who is responsibl­e for the edits. He also seeks records of any discussion­s about why the edits were made.

President Trump fired Comey in May as Comey led an FBI investigat­ion into alleged Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and possible collu- sion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

Comey testified in the spring to the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee that Trump asked him to drop the investigat­ion into ex-national security adviser Michael Flynn. Trump fired Flynn in February for misleading Vice President Pence and others in the White House about conversati­ons he had with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Special counsel Robert Mueller leads the Russia inquiry on behalf of the Department of Justice. Three congressio­nal committees, including the Senate Judiciary Committee, also are conducting Russia investigat­ions.

Democrats have complained that Republican­s focus on Clinton as a way to divert attention away from Trump.

 ??  ?? As FBI director, James Comey said Hillary Clinton was extremely careless, but he declined to seek criminal charges. SAUL LOEB, AFP/GETTY IMAGES
As FBI director, James Comey said Hillary Clinton was extremely careless, but he declined to seek criminal charges. SAUL LOEB, AFP/GETTY IMAGES

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