Vice President Pence on ‘year of results’

Accomplish­ments of Trump’s first year in office are “just the beginning”

- Mike Pence

One year ago today, President Donald J. Trump won a historic victory. But even more historic has been President Trump’s record of accomplish­ment ever since.

It’s been a year of action. It’s been a year of results. And it’s been a year that will be remembered as the time we began to Make America Great Again.

Thanks to the president’s leadership, the American economy is roaring. Businesses have created nearly 1.5 million new jobs. Manufactur­ers haven’t been this confident in 20 years. The stock market is setting records, creating nearly $5 trillion in wealth for the pension, retirement and savings of the American people. And after eight years of lackluster growth, the economy has already expanded by at least 3% for two quarters in a row.

The U.S. economy is making a comeback because President Trump has taken decisive action to spur a new era of opportunit­y, prosperity and growth.

We’ve unleashed American energy, approved the Keystone and Dakota pipelines, and under President Trump, the “war on coal” is over.

We’re appointing originalis­ts to the federal courts, to uphold the Constituti­on and all our God-given liberties. And President Trump put Justice Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.

President Trump has also taken decisive action to ensure the safety and security of the American people, at home and abroad. He has stood without apology with the men and women of law enforcemen­t. We’re securing our borders, enforcing our laws and taking the gang members, drug dealers and violent criminals off our streets.

The president is putting our veterans first. He signed bills to restore accountabi­lity to the Department of Veterans Affairs and give veterans access to the world-class care they deserve.

We’re rebuilding our military. President Trump has already signed the largest increase in defense spending in nearly 10 years, and we are working with Congress to pass one of the largest investment­s in the national defense since the days of Ronald Reagan.

With renewed American strength, the president is achieving real results on the internatio­nal stage.

Our NATO allies are contributi­ng more to our common defense. ISIS is on the run, and its caliphate is crumbling. This president reaffirmed the credibilit­y of American power when he enforced a red line against chemical weapons in Syria. He put Iran on notice and made it clear that we cannot certify the Iran nuclear deal. And our administra­tion has brought unpreceden­ted economic and diplomatic pressure to bear on North Korea.

It has been a year of accomplish­ments, and we’re just getting started. Before this year is out, we’ll pass historic tax cuts for the American people. And with President Trump’s leadership, I know: We will Make America Great Again.

Mike Pence is vice president of the United States.

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