In Texas town, football takes a back seat as critical needs are met

- Len Hayward

Each week, this series will introduce you to an exceptiona­l American who unites, rather than divides, our communitie­s. To read more about the American profiled here and more average Americans doing exceptiona­l things, visit

What does it mean to you be an American?

Just right off the top of my head, being an American is about being something greater than yourself. To be part of a free country, a big, big unit where you are just a small piece and everybody is working towards a common goal. Specifical­ly, being an American to me, we are so blessed to get to worship where we want, to live where want, be what we want.

What moment touched and motivated you in your efforts to help the community?

I’ve always had the heart to help people that didn’t have the means. So I just trusted the good Lord and prayed about it, and God brought in the finances, and we were able to help a bunch of people get back on their feet. I knew our community was downtrodde­n. I knew the hurricane was devastatin­g. I just knew immediatel­y I had to do what I could do, however small that is, to help as many kids and kids’ families as I could.

What gives you hope? What concerns you?

No question, the hope has been great. The tens of thousands of supplies, the tens of thousands of people. Over $100,000 has been donated, so there’s no question the hope, and what I’m really excited about is all the people that came to help us. My biggest fear is that there’s going to be tons and tons and tons of people that need our help when all of our resources are gone.

What do you hope to accomplish through your efforts?

Honestly, what I want to accomplish even as a coach, even as a teacher, in everything I do is I want people to understand there is nothing greater than love. I believe that you need to love everyone and you need to spend your whole life serving other people. If you spend your whole life serving other people and helping people and doing for people, then one of these days in life when you find yourself in a pinch, somebody will help you.

 ??  ?? Football coach Jason Herring helped direct relief efforts around Refugio, Texas, following Hurricane Harvey. RACHEL DENNY CLOW/CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER-TIMES
Football coach Jason Herring helped direct relief efforts around Refugio, Texas, following Hurricane Harvey. RACHEL DENNY CLOW/CORPUS CHRISTI CALLER-TIMES

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