Why women are rarely accused of harassment

Frequency of abuse is hard to figure because so few men report it

- Maria Puente

In the firehose torrent of sexual harassment scandals we are staggering under these days, one thing stands out as a common factor in all the cases: The accused are men.

“One of the reasons it is men who harass women, and sometimes other men, is that this is about power, and overwhelmi­ngly (workplace) upper management is male, so the positions of power are disproport­ionately occupied by men and the bottom is disproport­ionately occupied by women,” says Abigail Saguy, professor of sociology and gender studies at UCLA and author of the 2003 book What is Sexual Harassment?

You may be thinking: Well, this is something we all know instinctiv­ely. Women don’t do this kind of thing — grope, talk dirty, assault, sexually coerce, even rape their work colleagues. It’s a Y chromosome kind of thing, right?

But not so fast. Franklin Raddish, a South Carolina Baptist pastor with a nationwide following, declared last month as a means of supporting Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (who lost) that accusation­s of sexual harassment against men in politics and Hollywood amounted to a “war on men.”

“More women are sexual predators than men,” Raddish said. “Women are chasing young boys up and down the road, but we don’t hear about that because it’s not PC.”

He provided no evidence of this because, well, there isn’t any.

Still, there are exceptions that prove the rule: Two weeks ago, a Democratic candidate for Congress in Kansas dropped out of her race after The Kansas

City Star found out she had been accused in a 2005 lawsuit of sexually harassing and retaliatin­g against a male subordinat­e who rejected her advances when she was a corporate executive.

Andrea Ramsey was not a party to the lawsuit, which was settled and closed, and she denied she sexually harassed the man. But she dropped out of the race under pressure from the Democratic Party’s “zero tolerance standard” on harassment allegation­s, thus becoming the most high-profile woman so far to be publicly accused.

Which leads to the question: What are the numbers on women accused of sexual harassment? Has anyone done scientific surveys and found some? What’s the reason it appears the vast majority of people accused of workplace sexual harassment are men?

And what’s the reason few men ever file formal complaints?

“Pride gets in the way,” says Todd Harrison, a partner in a California firm that handles thousands of employment-law cases every year. “Most good plaintiffs’ attorneys who handle discrimina­tion and harassment claims take on female-to-male harassment, and the same (laws) apply. It’s just a matter of whether the men who are victims want to come forward.”

Few numbers are available on female harassers, and some of those numbers are more than a decade old.

“It does happen, but it is extremely rare,” says Genie Harrison, a Los Angeles-based attorney who specialize­s in workplace sexual harassment. “Men can be victims and women can be abusers, and I’ve represente­d victims where a woman was the harasser, but I would say it’s at best a 99.9%-to-.01% ratio.”

Various government agencies, such as the military, the federal employee system or the Equal Employment Opportunit­y Commission, keep track of complaints of workplace sexual harassment, but they generally focus on the accusers, not the accused. In the most recent data available, 6,758 complaints were received by the commission in 2016, and a little more than 16% were filed by men. But the data don’t say who did the harassing — a woman or another man.

Moreover, EEOC data do not provide a comprehens­ive picture of the entire country. Plus, the agency estimates that most people, male or female, who have experience­d harassment (more than

80%) never file a formal complaint. The U.S. Merit System Protection Board, an independen­t agency tasked with protecting the nation’s 2 million civilian federal employees, has been doing surveys of federal employees on workplace sexual harassment since

1980. Its most recent survey was in 2016, but producing a report on the findings has stalled because the Trump administra­tion has not yet appointed two members of the three-member board.

Its last report, in 1994, found that 19% of the men who responded to a survey reported they had experience­d some form of unwanted sexual attention in the preceding two years. The report also found that 65% of those male accusers said they were harassed by women, and

1% of the female accusers said they were harassed by women.

The Defense Department also tracks complaints in the armed services and National Guard; its last report, in 2016, showed 601 complaints were received in the previous year, with 415 offenders reported for 326 substantia­ted complaints. Most of the harassers were male (396, or 95%); only 19 were female (5%).

Emily Martin, general counsel and vice president for workplace justice at the National Women’s Law Center in Washington, agrees that female harassers are a “minority of cases” because women are less likely to exercise power over men at work.

“I’ve never worked with a client where a woman was the harasser; we’re a women’s rights organizati­on, so the individual­s who tend to reach out to us are women,” Martin says. “And women who target other women (for harassment) is an unusual fact pattern.”

Jennifer Berdahl, a professor in the business school at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver who studies the harassment of men, says harassment is also about gender and how society defines it. Males learn a sense of superiorit­y over females from the time they are children, she says.

“Being a man means being superior to a woman and dominating women sexually or otherwise; sexual harassment is taking that (thinking) to an extreme,” she says. “It’s possible there’s a rare woman who might get off on dominating a person like that, but men are socialized from the age of 3 to think of themselves as being ‘a real man,’ defined as dominating women.”

In her research, she says, she has found that the most common way a woman would harass a man is to question his manhood. And for many men, she says, being scorned as “feminine” or “weak” is too humiliatin­g to report.

Human behavior is contextual, Saguy says, and that’s why addressing sexual harassment (by either gender) requires changing the culture and not just laws.

Generally, she says, men don’t harass when they have less power over women. “Changing a culture is not easy either, but it would be easier to change the culture and hold people accountabl­e if we had more women in power.”

 ??  ?? Harassment by women “does happen. ... Men can be victims and women can be abusers,” attorney Genie Harrison says.
Harassment by women “does happen. ... Men can be victims and women can be abusers,” attorney Genie Harrison says.
 ??  ?? Dustin Hoffman, left, Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Danny Masterson and Harvey Weinstein have been caught up in the Hollywood scandal. PHOTOS BY AP, GETTY IMAGES
Dustin Hoffman, left, Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Piven, Danny Masterson and Harvey Weinstein have been caught up in the Hollywood scandal. PHOTOS BY AP, GETTY IMAGES

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