A domestic peace initiative for 2018

Connect across political divide and help bridge it

- Joan Blades

Countless people in this country do not share the dark secret of their political leanings. They don’t want to argue. They don’t want their children to suffer because of being different. They don’t want to lose business. They don’t want to lose friends. They don’t want to be ridiculed. Better to be quiet.

Many people do not fit neatly into a political box. They have a mix of conservati­ve and progressiv­e positions that are heartfelt for a set of personal reasons that even their friends may never know about, because we’ve become so unkind to people who don’t share our political beliefs.

Last month, I gave a TED talk with my conservati­ve business partner, John Gable. We talked about our shared values and some difference­s. We talked about the work we are doing with a wonderful diverse group of partners to begin to heal personal and political divides. I thought our words were quite persuasive, but what made the biggest impression was our friendship. John and I so clearly like each other. And we appreciate the perspectiv­e and skills the other brings to our shared work of helping people forge connection­s outside their usual circles.

In one part of the talk I say — “We believe: that our difference­s can be a strength,

that the values we hold can be complement­ary and

that we must transcend the fight to discover how to honor each other’s core values while losing none of our own.”

Consorting with ‘those people’

So far, John and I have been able to walk this walk, and this has made my life richer and our work more successful. But I recognize that for some, we are consorting with the enemy. There are risks to becoming friends with “those people.” Shunning is part of how people enforce social norms; it is not restricted to certain religious sects.

I’d describe our work as a domestic peace initiative. Most progressiv­es are pro peace. Most women are, too. OK, I’m going out on a limb — I contend that peace is a unifying value. As are “love thy neighbor” and rejection of hate.

With these excellent core values, why have politics become ugly and punishing? John and I think part of the problem is that many of us are living in separate narratives, or filter bubbles. The media we consume affirm our beliefs. The friends we choose to talk to about politics agree with us, leaving us even more certain that we are right and others are idiots, mean or elitist.

Living with difference­s

I can’t help but suspect this is also why the U.S. has disturbing­ly low voting rates. We are missing the people who don’t like to watch horror shows, and others who don’t feel like they have any choices that represent their values.

Political labels are causing us to prejudge people we know little about — and even push away or unfriend people we care about. We are seeing violence that appears to be connected to politics. The media and our politician­s are part of the problem. Their motives are not pure.

Individual­ly and together, it is time for us to step up. Our collective effort has the potential to get us out of this downward spiral of alienation and blame. But it is going to take more than signing a petition. We are going to have to show up and make real connection­s, listen for understand­ing without trying to persuade, assume best intent, and be able to live with the tension of having difference­s with people we care about.

Joan Blades co-founded Living Room Conversati­ons and was a cofounder of

 ??  ?? George W. Bush and Michelle Obama in Dallas. MICHAEL MULVEY FOR USA TODAY
George W. Bush and Michelle Obama in Dallas. MICHAEL MULVEY FOR USA TODAY

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