Backlash growing over lack of women speakers

- Jessica Guynn

SAN FRANCISCO – This week more than 180,000 people will cram Las Vegas convention halls for technology’s biggest show, a flashy annual preview of new gadgets and trends.

But this year many of them will be paying less attention to what’s on display and more to what’s not.

Not a single woman landed one of the keynote addresses that headline the show, the second straight year these top spots were claimed by men.

An online backlash has erupted, generating a hashtag (#CESSoMale) and a torrent of social media posts. Kristin Lemkau, chief marketing officer of JPMorgan Chase, who has spoken at CES herself, drew up her own list of 21 women headliners “in less time than it took to drink coffee.” HP’s global chief marketing officer, Antonio Lucio, tweeted: “All men should boycott @CES if women are not invited to speak! Insulting in this day and age.”

One activist plans to storm the conference to turn the national spotlight on just how parched this trade show conference in the Nevada desert is for women in key roles.

Gender Avenger co-founder Gina Glantz says she’ll pass out stickers — “Women’s voices count” — and she’ll encourage CES attendees to use the Gender Avenger app that creates a gender diversity pie chart for conference sessions — bright future (40% or more women), cloudy with a chance of patriarchy (30% to 39%) and thundersto­rm of inequality (below 30%) — so they can be posted to social media.

“The goal is to keep this at the forefront of the conversati­on as people go from session to session,” says Glantz, who started Gender Avenger three years ago to hound and shame the $30 billion conference industry into putting more women in keynotes and on panels.

The trade group that organizes CES and handpicks the speakers is the Consumer Technology Associatio­n (CTA). Its senior vice president of corporate business strategy, Karen Chupka, points to participat­ion elsewhere at CES, with a quarter of speaking slots this year going to 242 women. The focus on the big-name keynote addresses overlooks the presence of women on the keynote stage on panels and in keynote presentati­ons elsewhere at the show, CES says.

“We’re proud of our record in welcoming a diversity of speakers to the CES keynote stage,” Chupka, senior vice president of CES, said in a statement. “In the last seven years, we’ve had 15 keynote spots held by women.”

Those keynote spots are not just keynote addresses but other appearance­s CES includes as keynotes, including panel discussion­s. A review by USA TODAY found only three women in the past seven years have been tapped to deliver the much-hyped keynote addresses: former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, General Motors CEO Mary Barra and IBM CEO Ginni Rometty. Other prominent business leaders such as former Xerox CEO Ursula Burns and former GE vice chair Beth Comstock participat­ed in what CTA calls keynote panels.

“I was stung by the online backlash expressing outrage that no women were among the CES keynote speakers,” Gary Shapiro, CEO of the CTA, wrote in a Medium post last month. “The exclusive focus on keynotes in my view insults the hundreds of women who are speakers at CES in January.”

Women headliners largely missing from CES main events has only recently begun to receive attention outside the tech world. Last year, Gender Avenger protests were met with mostly crickets, not clicks. But the consciousn­ess raised by the women’s march a year ago and more recently with the #MeToo movement has more people talking about the silencing of women’s voices in corporate America, Glantz says.

In December, her action alert, “The Keynote Speakers At CES 2018 Are All Men,” was called out by former PepsiCo executive Brad Jakeman. Soon Sonos’ Joy Howard and Twitter’s Leslie Berland joined the conversati­on on social media, and both organized female panels at CES. CES scrambled to add women to its keynote roster but didn’t add to its top slots.

“Over time we had lost interest in the show. When we saw the keynote line-up, it really woke us up to why. It’s the lack of diversity,” said Howard who is putting on four all-female panels during CES. “This was a clear opportunit­y for us to take action and to give voice to women in technology who we don’t feel like we hear from enough.”

Tech trade shows have never been female-friendly. Mostly men attend and speak. After-parties and alcohol binges are a part of the tech conference culture. Women frequently complain of unwanted sexual advances and assaults, forcing tech conference­s to adopt codes of conduct to ward off bad behavior. And, to lure foot traffic to their shiny wares, companies staff their booths with attractive models, some of them scantily clad, intensifyi­ng the climate of sexism on the trade show floor.

For years, CES organizers shrugged off the prevalence of models. Shapiro told the BBC in 2012, “It is a little old-school, but it does work. People naturally want to go towards what they consider pretty.”

Peak outrage with CES “booth babes” came a year later when Apple accessorie­s-company Hyper dressed topless women in body paint and skimpy thongs and encouraged people to share the photos using the hashtag #getmore.

Four years later, CES is again rebuffing critics, this time over the all-male lineup of keynote addresses.

Why does it matter? What began in 1967 as the Internatio­nal Consumer Electronic­s Show in New York with 117 exhibitors and 17,500 visitors has evolved into one of the largest and most important tech trade shows of the year — a buzzy launch pad for big brands and start-ups alike.

The highlight of CES are the keynote addresses, blinding displays of on-stage corporate shock and awe in which business leaders tout their strategy, demo new products and roll out big announceme­nts, often with celebritie­s and surprises in tow.

 ??  ?? Ford CEO Jim Hackett will speak at CES this week. There are no women headliners. USA TODAY NETWORK
Ford CEO Jim Hackett will speak at CES this week. There are no women headliners. USA TODAY NETWORK

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