Keep DACA out of budget negotiatio­ns


The government shutdown is the “Schumer shutdown.” Non-essential government workers will probably not be going to work any time soon. Since they are non-essential, perhaps they can spend more time with their families for good — including politician­s from both parties. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, with crocodile tears, tried to explain why he needed to tie a “dreamer” legislativ­e issue to the budget, knowing full well that a stand-alone dreamer bill would not get enough votes to pass as written.

Schumer’s obvious ulterior motive is to get 800,000 new Democratic voters in the pipeline, as many of the dreamers have reached voting age. Nice try, trying to fool the new sheriff in town. Michael Velsmid Nantucket, Mass.

So much for The Art of the Deal and the “great negotiator.” Donald Trump, in 2013, said if he was president and was faced with a potential shutdown, he would lock both parties in a room and negotiate a deal. Back on Earth, none of that has happened. Joshua Galvoni

Why can’t Schumer be more flexible here? The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals can wait.

Why is he trying to protect immigrants over U.S. citizens? Greg Hunder

I am hopeful that President Trump keeps the shutdown in place until Democrats either remove DACA from these budgetary talks or they agree to all terms of border security. We should be prepared to stay in shutdown mode as long as it takes. Larry Hubble

Democrats are being played. I think Trump only took DACA off for negotiatio­n ploys. Trump wants the wall and knows that Democrats wouldn’t give it to him without something in return. Ted Williams

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