It’s not just kids who want gun control


My father showed me Jonah Goldberg’s column, “Parkland kids can protest, but they don’t know what they are talking about,” and as a “young person” (and a Florida resident), I’m truly appalled.

I’m appalled that a man who claims to be “older and wiser” than my friends, colleagues and myself, has the audacity to insinuate that just because we want change, we are disrespect­ing our elders. In case Goldberg hasn’t read any polls on gun control lately, it’s not just young people who want this. It’s now around 60% of Americans who believe gun laws should be stricter. I’d say that’s more than just the “young people” of the nation, wouldn’t you?

The pain of losing someone you love to an AR-15, whether you are a young person or old person, is not a fetishiza- tion, as Goldberg wrote.

Mr. Goldberg, I assure you that I am not “brimming with gratitude” when it comes to the world your generation has left mine. I am sad, angry and frightened at the possibilit­y that I could lose my best friends, simply because the generation before us would rather receive a check than listen to the voices of their constituen­ts.

You may think young people change their mind on a lot of things, but I can assure you that we will not change our minds on this issue. And I can also as- sure you that our opinions and our “obnoxious” trauma are not going anywhere.

To my fellow “young people” reading this: Get out and vote in November. Kelly McPherson

Oviedo, Fla.

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