Albright’s warning for Trump: Think Syria response through

She says military force can’t be the only option

- Susan Page

NEW YORK – Former secretary of State Madeleine Albright says President Trump’s declaratio­n that he was ready to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria emboldened Syrian leader Bashar Assad to launch a chemical weapons attack on his people, a developmen­t that now has the United States poised to strike Syria in retaliatio­n.

In an interview Tuesday with USA TODAY about her new book, Fascism: A Warning, Albright called Trump’s decision almost exactly a year ago to bomb a Syrian airfield after a chemical attack “very appropriat­e.”

But he undercut that message with his comments last week at a White House news conference when he said it was time “to bring those troops home,” she said.

“There’s this theory having some unpredicta­bility is a useful diplomatic tool,” Albright said. “But unpredicta­ble unpredicta­bility constantly is very difficult for people who are trying to follow what we’re doing.”

Her new book, published Tuesday by

Harper, argues that terrorism, sectarian conflicts, anti-immigrant fervor and the manipulati­on of social media are contributi­ng to a rise in fascism and an erosion of democracy around the globe. That includes nations that are American allies — such as Hungary, Poland and Turkey — and in the United States itself.

Albright has a special sensitivit­y to the warning signs, she says, because when she was a child the rise of Nazis and then Communists forced her family to flee their native Czechoslov­akia.

Albright, 80, served on President Carter’s National Security Council staff. President Clinton first appointed her as ambassador to the United Nations, then as the first female secretary of State. She was an energetic supporter of Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Does she agree with Trump’s fiercest critics that the president himself is a fascist? “No, and I don’t call him a fascist,” Albright said.

But she did go on to use more diplomatic language: “I think he is the most undemocrat­ic president that I’ve seen, and I’m very troubled by some of the things he’s been doing.”

But Albright said she is inclined to think one of Trump’s biggest national security gambles, a proposed summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, could be worth the risk. Albright became the highest-ranking sitting U.S. leader ever to travel to Pyongyang when she met with Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il. The visit came when the Clinton administra­tion tried and failed to arrange a summit between leaders of the two countries.

“There’s this theory having some unpredicta­bility is a useful diplomatic tool. But unpredicta­ble unpredicta­bility constantly is very difficult for people who are trying to follow what we’re doing.” Madeleine Albright

“I personally believe in talks,” Albright said. “The risks are very large, but I do think that if this is turned down, there will be some kind of consequenc­e to that, especially since our allies, the South Koreans, have been kind of the intermedia­ry on it.”

So it’s better to go ahead? Yes, Albright said, but “very much with guard rails and a way the president does not do this by himself.”

On Syria, although she has supported military action — and has criticized former president Barack Obama for failing to act more decisively there — Albright said the Trump administra­tion needs to devise a broader strategy than the military action alone that the White House is now contemplat­ing.

“Just doing it to punish isn’t enough if we don’t have a strategy,” she said.

She said the administra­tion hasn’t gone through the fundamenta­l steps she requires for her students in the course she teaches at Georgetown University on national security decision-making.

“President Trump would flunk my course, because none of those things do we know,” she said. “What is the objective? What is the strategy? What are the pros and cons of it? And what are the unintended consequenc­es?”

 ?? ROBERT DEUTSCH/USA TODAY ?? Former secretary of State Madeleine Albright says Trump undercut his own stance on Syria.
ROBERT DEUTSCH/USA TODAY Former secretary of State Madeleine Albright says Trump undercut his own stance on Syria.

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