Ryan’s view:

“I’m proud of what we’ve accomplish­ed”

- Paul Ryan House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, where this first appeared.

Over the past nearly 20 years, I have had the good fortune to serve in many roles in Congress. Chairman of the Budget Committee, Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee and Speaker of the House are all nice positions, and I have accomplish­ed a lot. However, my titles of husband and father have always been my most cherished. That is why I have decided that my current term will be my last one.

Long ago, I decided that I was going to make the absolute most of my time in Congress, knowing that my opportunit­y to improve the course of our country is fleeting. But I also know there are other things in life that are fleeting as well, like time with kids at home.

Each election year when I have decided to run for re-election, it’s been a trade-off between serving my community and losing time with my family. The sacrifice has been one our family has been willing to make knowing that it is the responsibi­lity of my generation to pass on a country that is stronger, freer and more prosperous to the next one. Today, I feel content that I have done my part.

Hopefully, I have left things better than I found them. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplish­ed. I’ve tried to be civil by respecting others and showing what it means to be “Wisconsin nice” even in hostile Washington, D.C. I may have disagreed with others’ opinions, but I tried to set an example by not questionin­g their character.

I have aimed to do my best, to be on target. I did not always hit the bull’seye. My words didn’t always match my intentions. But I tried to learn from my mistakes and listen to others.

I still believe America’s best days are ahead of her. We are all blessed to live in a nation in which our potential is only limited by our God-given abilities and own effort.

Thank you for trusting me as your representa­tive in Congress. I will be forever thankful that you gave me the ability to work for you and this exceptiona­l country that we love and call home. God bless you and all of yours.

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