Parody: Havoc in Helsinki, the cleanup

- Eric Lichtblau

Aboard Air Force One, President Donald Trump huddles around a conference table with top advisers en route home after the Helsinki summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly: Mr. President, your remarks with Putin are causing quite a stir at home.

President Trump: Yeah, I was great, wasn’t I? I killed it!

Kelly: Well, in a manner of speaking, sir. People are very upset that you still don’t seem to believe all the evidence that Russia hacked the election.

Trump: Oh, big deal. That’s just Mueller saying that. He’s a Democrat!

Kelly: Special counsel Robert Mueller is actually a Republican, sir, but that’s beside the point. It’s not just him. The official House Republican investigat­ion, the Senate Republican­s, the whole U.S. intelligen­ce community, they all concluded that —

Trump: Intelligen­ce community! Ha! Tell me another one!

Kelly: With all due respect, sir, many of your advisers concluded the same thing, including your secretary of State.

Kelly motions across the table to Mike Pompeo, who smiles meekly.

Kelly: And your national security adviser ...

He nods to John Bolton, who gives the president a big thumbs-up and mouths “MAGA.”

Voice on open phone line from Washington: Me too, sir!

Trump: Who let Dan Coats on the call?

Kelly: He is your director of national intelligen­ce, sir.

Trump: Well, all three of them are fired! Twitter? I’m sure I lit up Twitter.

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Yes, in fact, you did get a big boost when your tweet about foolish American policies toward Russia was retweeted almost immediatel­y — Trump: Good, good, good … Sanders: ... by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Trump (shaking his head): Next you’re going to say there was a listening device in the soccer ball Vlad gave me.

Ambassador Jon Huntsman: And a video camera, sir.

Trump: Move on. What’s next? Bolton: Well, there are troubling re- ports that North Korea may have increased the pace of developmen­t at a nuclear research facility even after your Singapore summit, sir.

Trump: Fake news! Kim Jong Un gave me his word, and he just sent me a very nice note! Next!

Bolton: There’s also new polling showing 73 percent of Americans believe global warming is real and that —

Trump: Horse puckey! A Chinese conspiracy, like I said! Scott Pruitt told me that’s all nonsense, and he’s the final word. Tell him to debunk it today.

Kelly: Mr. President, you accepted Pruitt’s resignatio­n this month because of all his, you know, ethical difficulti­es.

Trump (mumbling to himself): I knew I should’ve kept Pruitt …

Sanders’ cellphone buzzes; she scrolls through a news alert.

Sanders: Even Fox News is pummeling us over Helsinki, sir, and Newt Gingrich just called your comments, and I quote, “the most serious mistake of his presidency,” along with —

Trump (sneering): “And I quote, and I quote!” Enough quoting!

Kelly: Mr. President, we really need to do something to contain the damage.

Trump: Fine, Sanders, start typing. I’m going to dictate a statement —

Sanders: No, no, Mr. President, you’re not allowed to do that anymore. Trump: What! Since when? Sanders: Well, since Mueller’s office began investigat­ing that statement you dictated from Air Force One saying Don Jr.’s Trump Tower meeting with that Russian lawyer was about adoptions, when it was really about, um, about … Kelly: Getting dirt on Hillary. Sanders: Your lawyers say you must not dictate any more statements from Air Force One. Something about inviting obstructio­n of justice charges.

Trump: Fine. I’ll just say I left out a word or two in Helsinki, there was a double negative or something, and I clearly meant to say the opposite.

Sanders: Mr. President, people would never believe that.

Trump: People would never not believe that!

Kelly: Turn this tin can around! We’re going back to Helsinki!

Eric Lichtblau is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author of “The Nazis Next Door.”

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