Trump open to Iran deal that’s not a ‘waste’

He repeats his demand for border wall money

- David Jackson and John Fritze USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – Defending his foreign policy approach to Russia and others, President Donald Trump said Monday that he is willing to meet with Iran’s leaders on a new nuclear deal, but it has to be better than the “waste of paper” that made up the previous agreement.

“I would certainly meet with Iran if they wanted to meet; I don’t know that they’re ready yet, they’re having a hard time right now,” said Trump, who withdrew from a deal in which the United States and allies agreed in 2015 to reduce sanctions on Iran as it gave up the means to make nuclear weapons.

At a brief news conference, Trump said he would hold a summit with Iran with “no preconditi­ons.”

Trump made the offer shortly after he threatened, for the second day, to shutter the federal government if Congress does not approve spending for border security. Lawmakers are racing toward a deadline of Sept. 30 to approve a broad funding bill, and the White House is pushing for border money as part of that legislatio­n.

“As far as the border is concerned, and personally, if we don’t get border security, after many, many years of talk within the United States, I would have no problem doing a shutdown,” Trump said, repeating a threat he posted Sunday on Twitter. “We’re the laughingst­ock of the world.”

Government agencies briefly closed in January as Democrats sought to use a spending measure to renew a program shielding some young immigrants from deportatio­n. This time, Republican leaders in Congress are wary of shutdown threats so close to the midterm elections.

The president spoke with reporters after a White House meeting with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

Trump said he and his Italian counterpar­t discussed a “strategic dialogue” on topics such as counterter­rorism, trade, reining in Iran and, a subject Trump dwelt on at length, “uncontroll­ed migration” at their national borders.

“Border security is national security,” Trump said. “They are one in the same.”

The offer to meet with Iran came a week after Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani exchanged threats over the renewal of economic sanctions on the Tehran regime.

Trump made the offer while defending other high-profile meetings he held, including the much-criticized one this month with Russian President Vladimir Putin – and he said sanctions on Russia will remain in place for the foreseeabl­e future.

An ill-defined meeting with Iran is not likely to yield much, said analysts, some of whom pointed out that Iran is an ally of Russia.

Aaron David Miller, a Middle East negotiator for presidents of both parties, said the suddenness of the offer shows “Trump has no coherent Iran policy” but wants only “to continue to dominate the narrative with his head-exploding whiplash comments” about a high-profile meeting.

“Without a serious approach toward Iran behind it, right now it falls somewhere between a gimmick and a publicity stunt,” Miller said.

Meeting with people, even adversarie­s, is a good thing, Trump said.

“I’ll meet with anybody,” Trump said. “I believe in meeting.”

“Border security is national security. They are one in the same.”

President Trump

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