On education, we must look out for all

USA TODAY Network is partnering with CBS News

- Manny García Manny García is the standards editor for the USA TODAY Network.

As journalist­s, readers demand that we quickly learn topics: Why did the space shuttle explode? Why did that bridge collapse? How can dangerous teachers move from one school district to another without repercussi­ons?

We continuall­y work to develop subject matter expertise, which allows us to write with authority and, as a result, our work exposes shams, helps jail bad people, and saves lives.

Knowledge is power. Journalist­s are the definition of the phrase “lifelong learners.” None of us would be in our jobs if it weren’t for teachers — those angels who early on saw our potential, challenged us, believed in us — often despite ourselves.

For this reason, the USA TODAY Network and CBS News have entered into a reporting partnershi­p to find solutions to the education challenges facing our nation. A USA TODAY/ Ipsos Public Affairs poll shows that there’s wide support for teachers, and that education funding is well spent money. More than two-thirds of poll respondent­s said public schools were worth the tax money going into them.

At USA TODAY, the project is led by Education Editor Chrissie Thompson, an accomplish­ed journalist who still recalls the teachers who built her confidence — Ms. Zika, Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Robinson. Thompson is a new mother and says she comes at the coverage with that perspectiv­e in mind.

“Parents have more choices than ever before, and the stakes have never been higher for making the right choice, but they have few tools to help them do it,” Thompson said. “Other parents might lack the time or resources to make those choices — so we must look out for all children.”

Norah O'Donnell, co-host of CBS This Morning, said it’s imperative to tackle education challenges now, and cites the impact of teachers in her life.

“I had some incredible teachers and went to some great schools. I think everybody agrees we need to spend more time lifting up and supporting our teachers who are really cultivatin­g our children’s minds,” O’Donnell said. “As a mother, with my own children, I try and remind them that education is going to set you up for a lifetime of happiness.”

The joint project will also highlight successes and how to scale them. During my years leading newsrooms, parents always asked for stories that gave them best practices to emulate.

“We want to get into schools across the country, and see how parents and teachers are finding solutions,” said Ryan Kadro, executive producer of CBS This Morning.

Parents also demanded that we expose impediment­s to quality education. Investigat­ive stories have documented how students attend schools with water fountains contaminat­ed by lead, classrooms with leaky roofs and rodent infestatio­ns. A USA TODAY investigat­ion led to a state-by-state review of how 1,400 dangerous teachers easily moved between school districts and states.

“This is the work we love doing most, when we can have the backs of parents and children in our communitie­s,” said John Kelly, an investigat­ive editor who led the series.

Too many students also lack access to consistent broadband service, impacting their ability to do homework. Add to that growing up in today’s digital world, with cyberbully­ing and a culture built on fast answers.

“Americans on all sides are worried about the future of our country. Well, our future is currently enrolled in our schools. We must get this right, and fast,” Thompson said.

Sister Lois Burroughs, who lives in Farmington Hills, Michigan, spent 20 years teaching elementary, high school and college students. “Teachers often spend more time with the kids than with their parents,” said Burroughs, a nun with the Sisters of Mercy.

Burroughs said teachers play a vital role in the developmen­t of a child, one that lasts a lifetime. As proof, she said one of her students became a financial adviser with a national firm and called years later to thank her: “He told me that some of the tactics that you used with us in fifth grade, I use with the adults today. Isn’t that great?”

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