Depression and teens: Are devices to blame?

- Ken Alltucker

Teens and college-age adults face pressures that past generation­s never did.

Spiraling college tuition leaves crippling student loan debt. Active-shooter drills in schools warn students of a real and persistent threat. And political division, the culture wars and climate change remind young Americans of the fragility of the world they are inheriting.

But some experts are debating whether another phenomenon – smartphone­s, tablet computers and social media – is responsibl­e for the rising rates of depression among children and young adults.

Major depression rates among teens and young adults are rising faster than among the overall population. The authors of a 2016 study in the journal Pediatrics found that rates of major depression among children ages 12 to

17 jumped to 11.3 percent in 2014, up from

8.7 percent in 2005. Major depression among young adults also increased, but at a slower rate.

Ramin Mojtabai, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health professor who completed the study, says more research is needed on the causes of rising depression rates among teens and young adults.

“One can speculate that increased use of digital devices and social media are among the contributi­ng factors,” Mojtabai said. “There is some evidence that cyberbully­ing puts children and adolescent­s at increased risk of depression.”

San Diego State University psychologi­st Jean Twenge sees a direct link between how much time teens spend on smartphone­s and troubling signs of mental health distress.

In her 2017 book “iGen,” she cited na- tional health surveys and other statistics to argue that a generation of teens have turned to smartphone­s as their preferred social outlet, and teens who spend the most time on their screens are more likely to be unhappy.

“What you get is a fundamenta­l shift in how teens spend their leisure time,” Twenge told USA TODAY. “They are spending less time sleeping, less time with their friends face to face. … It is not something that happened to their parents. It is not something that happens as a world event.”

Even tech pioneers have limited their children’s use of digital devices over concerns about the effects of technology on the developing brain. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates capped his kids’ cellphone use, and longtime Apple CEO Steve Jobs told The New York Times in

2010 that he did not allow his children to use the then-newly developed iPad.

High-profile investors have asked Apple this year what the company is doing to combat children’s device overuse and the resulting mental- and physicalhe­alth harms.

But others are skeptical about blaming smartphone use for depression in adolescent­s and young adults.

“People are jumping to conclusion­s that there has been a cultural change with the use of social media,” says Anne Glowinski, director of adolescent and child psychiatry at education and training at Washington University in St. Louis. “There’s a laundry list of things that can be impacting young people.”

Sonia Livingston­e, a social psychologi­st at the London School of Economics and Political Science, said there’s room for legitimate debate over potential harms and benefits of teens’ smartphone use.

But she said several other factors that could be contributi­ng to rising depression. Perhaps the biggest, she said, is that it’s more socially acceptable for kids to talk openly about mental health.

“What we have today is a greater degree of visibility,” Livingston­e told USA TODAY. “It very easily looks like an epidemic in mental health problems, but

10, 15 years ago, these were shameful things that nobody mentioned.”

She said teens and young adults face more pressure to achieve in school and in extracurri­cular activities.

“It is becoming a more competitiv­e world, and they have to play their part,” Livingston­e said. “It brings competitio­n much earlier. So it is kind of an underminin­g of childhood.”

Varun Soni, a vice provost at the University of Southern California overseeing the office of wellness and crisis interventi­on, has noticed a marked difference in his conversati­ons with college-age students over time.

A decade ago, he said, students were more apt to chat about big-picture questions such as the meaning of life, purpose and how to live an extraordin­ary life.

In recent years, conversati­ons with post-millennial­s have taken on a more pessimisti­c tone. Students now talk about a lack of meaning, and despondenc­y. Soni initially thought it was a sign that more vulnerable students were seeking counseling. But he has heard similar feedback from counterpar­ts at other universiti­es.

He describes it as a “mental health

“They are spending less

time sleeping, less time

with their friends face to

face. … It is not something

that happened to their par

ents.” Jean Twenge San Diego State University psychologi­st

crisis” in higher education. “At the root of it is a sense of disconnect­ion,” Soni said. “These are students who are so connected online but disconnect­ed offline. These are students that may have 1,000 friends online but struggle to make friends in real life.”

Mary Alvord, a psychologi­st and adjunct professor at George Washington University School of Medicine, doesn’t see a simple explanatio­n for rise in depression rates among adolescent­s and young adults.

If parents are concerned about their children’s time on digital devices, she said, they can limit their use before bedtime or require them to spend more time outdoors without digital devices.

Rather than fixating on their kids’ phone use, Alvord said, parents can help children build resilience, encourage them to develop friendship­s and provide social support.

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