Lesson from 1998: ‘Impeachmen­t is hell’

Clinton case roiled USA, tarnished his accusers

- Susan Page

WASHINGTON – Democrats who are contemplat­ing impeaching President Donald Trump after they take control of the House of Representa­tives next month are considerin­g a cautionary tale: what happened the last time a president was impeached.

President Bill Clinton survived, but his top accuser, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, didn‘t, and it was the Republican Party that lost seats in the next election.

“Impeachmen­t is hell,” warned independen­t counsel Ken Starr, whose exhaustive investigat­ive report on Clinton was the basis for the House vote, taken precisely 20 years ago Wednesday. Starr thought through all that happened in writing his new book, “Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigat­ion.” With the benefit of hindsight, he said in an interview,

“The better call would have been a resolution of censure,” a measure that would have expressed disapprova­l of the president’s actions but left him in office.

Trent Lott, then the Senate majority leader, was one of 45 senators who voted to convict Clinton, but he has second thoughts of his own. “I do think he made mistakes,” Lott said in an interview. “But in retrospect, I think it probably should not have been done.”

Outraged by allegation­s of perjury, obstructio­n of justice and sexual misbehavio­r leveled against the president, Clinton’s political opponents argued that impeachmen­t was the right course for the country. House Republican­s impeached Clinton, but the Senate refused to convict him.

There are calls to impeach Trump over allegation­s that he colluded with Russians during the 2016 campaign, obstructed investigat­ions and violated campaign finance laws by paying hush money to two women.

As Washington waits for special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, the Iword is in the air – and memories of the case of Clinton are a major factor in the debate.

Unintended consequenc­es

Republican­s who played key roles in impeaching the president 20 years ago warned that the possibilit­y of success is low and the prospect of unintended consequenc­es high. Those lessons reinforced caution among top Democrats, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to be elected speaker in January, and New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who is likely to chair the Judiciary Committee.

The House vote on Dec. 19, 1998, was the second time in history that the House had voted to impeach a president. Both survived Senate trials – Clinton in 1999 and Andrew Johnson in 1868. (In 1974, Richard Nixon resigned in the face of his likely impeachmen­t amid the Watergate scandal.)

Nadler was a junior congressma­n during Clinton’s impeachmen­t. He became one of the president’s fiercest defenders, denouncing his impeachmen­t as a “partisan coup d’etat.” He is poised to chair the committee that would consider Articles of Impeachmen­t against Trump.

He urged Democrats to proceed with care. The question is not only whether the president committed an impeachabl­e offense, he said, but also whether the offense is so serious that it can convince his own supporters that he should be removed from office. Trump would need to hold 34 of the 53 Republican senators to prevail in a Senate trial.

Two decades ago, when Starr submitted his report, Eric Swalwell was a 17year-old high-school senior in California. Now he’s part of the House Democratic leadership and a member of the Judiciary Committee. The consequenc­es of Clinton’s impeachmen­t aren’t lost on him, either.

“No one is above the law,” Swalwell said in an interview. “But you have to balance that against the reality of whether what you’re seeking to do would be successful. If you’re just doing it to score political points and you know you would never have support from the Senate, then I don’t know if that’s good for the country.”

A disruption of democracy

The accusation­s against Trump echo those the founders had in mind in Article II of the Constituti­on, said historian Jeffrey Engel, especially their fear that a president might be corrupted by foreign influence.

“I think the founders would be surprised that he hasn’t already been impeached,” Engel, director of the Center for Presidenti­al History at Southern Methodist University, said in an interview. He said the polarized politics of today and the solidity of Trump’s core support make conviction a distant prospect, whatever the charges.

Count that among the lessons from Clinton’s impeachmen­t.

“The No. 1 takeaway I have is that nobody comes out looking good in the end,” Engel said.

“I’m struck by how all the leaders of the Republican leadership who went after Clinton found themselves resigned or disgraced or both.”

The costs for Clinton’s accusers were high. Starr, who was solicitor general and a federal Appeals Court judge, said the controvers­y that surrounded his role as independen­t counsel prevented him from being considered for a Supreme

“I think the founders would be surprised that he hasn’t already been impeached.” Jeffrey Engel, historian

Court appointmen­t. Gingrich, who acknowledg­ed he was “stunned” when Republican­s lost seats in the 1998 midterms amid the impeachmen­t debate, resigned. Georgia Rep. Bob Barr, who filed the first impeachmen­t charges, saw allegation­s of his own marital infidelity aired by Hustler publisher Larry Flynt.

“I suppose the lesson there is if you have those sorts of problems, personal problems, you probably ought not to be taking a high-profile stance on an issue like the impeachmen­t,” Barr said in an interview, though he argued it was right to impeach Clinton for perjury and obstructio­n of justice. “It certainly impacted my family, and that was unfortunat­e.”

Those cautions aside, some analysts and some voters assume Democrats will impeach Trump.

“It’s inevitable,” said Michael Steel, a Republican strategist and former aide to House Speaker John Boehner, citing pressure from the Democrats’ most liberal voices. “They won’t be able to stop themselves.”

A 54 percent majority of Americans predicted in a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll taken in October that if Democrats won control of the House, they would seriously consider impeaching the president. More than a third of those surveyed, 39 percent, said they supported the idea themselves, including more than two-thirds of Democrats.

Incoming New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a leader among the new class of liberal Democrats, said on Capitol Hill that Trump has “far surpassed” the standards Republican­s used to impeach Clinton. Would it be premature to impeach Trump? “Not to me,” she said.

Pelosi urged Democratic colleagues who pushed for impeachmen­t to give Mueller the time and space he needs to complete his inquiry.

‘People would revolt’

One central player in today’s drama doesn’t seem to be looking for lessons from the past: Trump.

“It’s hard to impeach somebody who hasn’t done anything wrong and who’s created the greatest economy in the history of our country,” the president told Reuters in an Oval Office interview last week. “I’m not concerned, no. I think that the people would revolt if that happened.”

Even so, NBC News reported that Trump told friends he was alarmed about the prospect of impeachmen­t.

Gingrich, a Trump ally, said the president hasn’t been interested in talking about Clinton’s strategy of survival. “He couldn’t care less,” Gingrich said in an interview. Trump trusts his instincts and has honed his own style. “For 30 years now, Trump has been very successful as a counterpun­cher. He has a New Yorker’s attitude about fighting” and a willingnes­s to “pound his way” through challenges.

“What he doesn’t have is a capacity to be passive,” Gingrich said. “Trump believes, probably correctly, he’s his own best communicat­or and if he keeps his base revved up, he will not be convicted, period. He will be president, period.”

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/AP ?? President Bill Clinton, with first lady Hillary Clinton, thanks Democrats who voted against impeachmen­t on Dec. 19, 1998.
SUSAN WALSH/AP President Bill Clinton, with first lady Hillary Clinton, thanks Democrats who voted against impeachmen­t on Dec. 19, 1998.
 ?? MIKE NELSON/EPA ?? A protester expresses her feelings during the Women’s March in Los Angeles the day after Trump’s inaugurati­on in 2017.
MIKE NELSON/EPA A protester expresses her feelings during the Women’s March in Los Angeles the day after Trump’s inaugurati­on in 2017.

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