Trump keeps proving he’s unfit for office


Before Donald Trump became president, USA TODAY’s Editorial Board ran a controvers­ial editorial on Sept. 30, 2016, headlined “Don’t vote for Trump,” which spoke to the many reasons why Republican presidenti­al candidate Trump was “by unanimous consensus of the Editorial Board, unfit for the presidency.” Now, two years later, I reread my saved copy of the paper only to find the main arguments of the critique to be spot-on. The editorial warned of Trump as an erratic, ill-equipped, serial liar who doesn’t level with the American people. That was proven to be true. It described Trump, the Republican candidate, as a person who “speaks recklessly” and “has a checkered business career.” True again. Sadly, Trump exhibits — on a daily tweeting basis — how unfit he is for the office. Hopefully, the truth and the conclusion­s of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion will set us all free. James K. Benson Portland, Ore.

We need to wait for special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, then decide whether to impeach President Donald Trump or not. If Trump broke the law - that should be it. If he didn’t, then let voters decide in 2020. Lars Barfod

At this point in time, impeaching Trump is the only positive thing antiAmeric­an haters can look forward to. With the huge success of Trump’s administra­tion and the failures of Barack Obama being exposed daily, I would ex- pect Democrats to move forward with the proceeding­s, because, well, you know, it’s all they have! Steve Schwind

I don’t want Trump impeached. I want to see him fulfill his term with continued lying, vitriol and illegal activity. I want him to bring down his party along with him. They are complicit in his actions. Robert Ellis-Montgomery

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