The wall is just red meat for the GOP base



President Donald Trump headed to Texas on Thursday in an effort to promote his long-promised wall and again threatened to declare a national emergency if Democrats don’t agree to his demand for funding.

Republican­s controlled the White House and Congress for two years. If this is such a crisis, why didn’t they appropriat­e money for the wall? Because there is no crisis, just a gambit to keep the gullible, ignorant base foaming at the mouth.

Ron David

Our airports are less safe now. Proper food inspection­s are possibly being skipped. The social safety nets are at risk.

Allowing President Donald Trump to destroy our federal government this way over a failed 2016 campaign promise is un-American. Stay strong, Democrats. Don’t allow Trump to get away with this or he will just do it again.

John Bertelson

Finally, a president who has the guts to tell Democrats to go pound sand when they refuse to negotiate. Pull the cord and declare a national emergency, Mr. President, and build that wall.

Jerry Bevins

A wall is a permanent structure, unlike everything else proposed, like fences, drones or personnel. All other options will be called off as soon as another globalist/socialist president moves into the White House. But a wall is not that easy to deconstruc­t. That is why Democrats are opposing it.

Yevgenia Jane Rapoport

Trump supporters are not getting their wall. They were never going to get it. If they voted for Trump for that reason, that’s their problem.

It’s distressin­g that our president is not a president for all and refuses to listen to the majority. Our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves.

Susan Long Kuehl

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