1619 A docking in Virginia 400 years ago is today a cause for reflection

- E.R. Shipp Special to USA TODAY

After having been kidnapped from their villages in what is present-day Angola, forced onto a Portuguese slave ship bound for what Europeans called the New World and stolen from that ship by English pirates in a confrontat­ion off the coast of Mexico, “some 20. and odd Negroes” landed at Point Comfort in 1619, in the English settlement that would become Virginia. ❚ Their arrival was duly noted by the colony’s secretary, John Rolfe, famous as the widower of the Native American woman called Pocahontas.

“Few ships, before or since, have unloaded a more momentous cargo.”

Lerone Bennett Historian and journalist in his 1962 book, “Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America”

The harrowing journey that began with about 350 Africans on board the San Juan Bautista was one of terror, hunger and death even before the encounter with the pirates. About half of the Africans who boarded the ship died, some of the millions who perished during the Middle Passage from the 1600s to the 1800s. When the San Juan Bautista docked near what is now Veracruz, Mexico, on Aug. 30, 1619, 147 Africans were on board. Fifty had been taken by those English pirates aboard two ships, the White Lion and the Treasurer.

When the White Lion arrived unheralded in Point Comfort, the captain’s immediate task was to sell the Africans in exchange for food.

“Few ships, before or since, have unloaded a more momentous cargo,” historian and journalist Lerone Bennett wrote in his 1962 book, “Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America.”

(The subtitle was changed in later editions to “The History of Black America.”)

For many black readers, accustomed to being told in myriad ways that blacks had no history, the notion that their ancestors’ presence in America predated the arrival of the Pilgrims in 1620 was a mind-boggling revelation.

The 400th anniversar­y of the Africans’ arrival in what is now the United States is being observed this year. The Associatio­n for the Study of African American Life and History, the custodian of Black History Month, is taking the lead in paying tribute to perseveran­ce and resilience. Congress establishe­d the 400 Years of African-American History Commission. And for more than two years, the Hampton 2019 Commemorat­ion Commission and Virginia’s “2019 Commemorat­ion, American Evolution” have sponsored programs that highlight not just the arrival of Africans but also other significan­t developmen­ts in the state’s – and the nation’s – history.

Why is that 1619 arrival in Virginia so noteworthy when, as Bennett wrote and scholars are still explaining, it was but one of the points of arrival of blacks in the New World? More than a century before, blacks had accompanie­d Spanish and Portuguese explorers on expedition­s in North and South America. Africans may have accompanie­d Sir Francis Drake when he arrived at Roanoke Island in 1586, trying and failing to establish a permanent English colony.

And while some declare that 1619 marked the beginning of slavery in England’s American colonies, they are off the mark in at least two ways. First, Africans had been imported as slave labor in the English colony of Bermuda before 1619. Second, the status of those “20. and odd Negroes” from the White Lion is

still a matter of contention.

“The 1619 story is only important for the people who develop within the nation state that becomes known as the United States,” notes Daryl Scott, a professor of history at Howard University in Washington and former president of Associatio­n for the Study of African American Life and History. “It’s about how you define the history that you’re telling.” He points out that if one were to consider the migration of Africans from about the 15th century, one could also mark arrivals in Spain, Portugal and Italy, as well as in the Arab world.

“There is a tendency to simplify our story, to have a definitive start and end date, to say that slavery began on this day, when we actually don’t know,” says Karsonya Wise Whitehead, a professor of communicat­ion and history at Loyola University Maryland. “That’s part of being American. We like to mark things. But our history is more complicate­d than that.”

And it’s extremely complicate­d sort- ing out who those “20. and odd Negroes” were, what their status was in the settlement, and what became of them.

We know that the Africans who arrived in 1619 on the White Lion (and, a few days later, the Treasurer) were from Angola, and we know how they came to be captured. We don’t have all the names, but we do know that captain William Tucker took two of them into his household, Isabella and Antony, and allowed them to marry. When their child William became the first recorded black birth in what would become the United States, he was baptized into the Anglican faith in 1624. We know that a “Negro woman” named Angelo in a 1624 census had arrived on the Treasurer in 1619. Archaeolog­ists have recently discovered graves that might include hers.

“This first group that came survived and created a solid and growing community of people of African descent, with some of them intermingl­ing with English and the native peoples,” says Cassandra Newby-Alexander, a professor of history at Norfolk State University and a member of various commemorat­ion commission­s. Over a few decades, she says, the African presence grew with the arrival of more ships as well as with births. This resulted in “the emergence of racialized politics, law and a bifurcated society.”

How the Virginians viewed the Africans is a subject of robust debate. The practice of indentured servitude was longstandi­ng among the English. That’s how many whites began life in the New World, providing labor for a set number of years. At the end of their contracts, they received “freedom dues” of food, clothing and maybe even a parcel of land. But the Africans?

“It’s rather clear that Virginia did not have a set way of dealing with these folks,” Scott says. “They had indentured people in Virginia, and some people may have seen Africans just like they saw other indentured people. We know some people became free.”

Other scholars, such as Linda Heywood and John Thornton of Boston University, insist that the Africans from the White Lion and the Treasurer were enslaved by the English as they had been by the Portuguese slave traders.

Whether indentured servants or slaves, Newby-Alexander says, “either way, they were unfree.”

Some of the early Africans, like Anthony and Mary Johnson, who arrived in 1621 and 1622, respective­ly, amassed hundreds of acres of land and owned slaves themselves. Some won their freedom in court; others, like John Punch, were sentenced to permanent servitude for daring to run away.

By 1705, any ambiguity about the status of blacks – free, indentured, enslaved – was clarified by a series of socalled racial integrity laws that institutio­nalized white supremacy.

So, Whitehead says, the 400th anniversar­y of the arrival of the White Lion is “a little bit of a celebratio­n, a little bit of a commemorat­ion, a little bit of reflection – and a lot of wrestling with ‘What does this mean?’ ”

E.R. Shipp, winner of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a founding faculty member of the School of Global Journalism and Communicat­ion at Morgan State University in Baltimore.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Millions of Africans lost their lives in the Middle Passage to the New World.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Millions of Africans lost their lives in the Middle Passage to the New World.
 ?? GRAFISSIMO/GETTY IMAGES ?? An 1881 engraving only hints at the hellish conditions aboard slave ships.
GRAFISSIMO/GETTY IMAGES An 1881 engraving only hints at the hellish conditions aboard slave ships.
 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? The infamous trans-Atlantic slave trade is most familiar to Americans, but Africans also were taken to the Middle East and Asia, as this 1874 illustrati­on depicts.
GETTY IMAGES The infamous trans-Atlantic slave trade is most familiar to Americans, but Africans also were taken to the Middle East and Asia, as this 1874 illustrati­on depicts.

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