Critiquing Israel, minus the anti-Semitic clichés

Omar should rethink how she talks about Jews

- Steven Strauss

I have a suggestion for Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. If David Duke, Holocaust denier and former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, defends you and thinks you’re saying the right things, maybe you should rethink what you’re saying, or at least how you’re saying it.

Omar has said that Israel has “hypnotized the world,” suggested that Jews and Israel have bought U.S. politician­s, and implied that American Jews have divided loyalties. Some pundits have labeled these classic anti-Semitic tropes, while others say her remarks are being blown out of proportion.

For her part, Omar has disavowed and apologized for some of what she said. The episode culminated Thursday in overwhelmi­ng passage of a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of intoleranc­e.

Oddly, on Omar’s official government website, she literally has nothing posted about policies toward Israel. She was sworn into office in January, so she may improve as she comes up to speed. And for those of you comparing Omar with the arguably racist Republican Rep. Steve King, keep in mind that King has been making dubious comments since 2002 — so maybe give Omar another chance.

Granted, it is great fun to endlessly debate what Omar said and meant, but let me suggest some topics we should be discussing about Israel that don't involve anti-Semitic clichés:

❚ Why do we continue to give so much money to Israel? It has literally been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since World War II, so far totaling more than $130 billion. America’s financial support is ongoing, with Israel continuing to receive about $4 billion a year in U.S. aid. If Israel needs an extra $4 billion (a bit more than 1 percent of its GDP) for its military, perhaps it should just raise taxes, and we should direct our aid dollars to less fortunate countries.

❚ Do we plan to protest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ties to racists? Netanyahu recently formed a de facto coalition with Otzma Yehudit, an anti-Arab political party described as racist and akin to Nazism by influentia­l Rabbi Benny Lau. Among other proposals, the group has called for laws banning sex and marriage between Jews and Arabs.

Most of America’s Jewish community has condemned Netanyahu’s links with Otzma Yehudit. If his party wins Israel’s election in April, Netanyahu is laying plans for members of Otzma Yehudit to potentiall­y enter Israel’s governing coalition. What actions will America take to express its opposition to these racists?

❚ How long will Republican­s keep supporting Netanyahu? The prime minister is facing indictment on bribery, fraud and other charges in Israel stemming from three corruption investigat­ions. Why did the GOP invite this dodgy foreign politician to address a joint session of Congress in 2015, and more generally, why does the GOP treat Netanyahu as some revered figure on the world stage?

❚ What about Israel’s human rights record? Under Netanyahu, Israel stands accused of numerous human rights violations against Palestinia­ns and other groups in connection with its settlement­s and occupation of the West Bank. Perhaps Congress should evaluate the validity of these allegation­s in hearings (and be sure to invite both sides, since Israel has serious and legitimate concerns about Palestinia­n terrorist attacks against its citizens).

Omar has been subjected to many vile racist attacks, but that doesn’t excuse her thoughtles­s remarks.

If she and her supporters want to have a serious conversati­on about changing U.S. policy toward Israel, they’ll find many people in and outside the Jewish community who want to have that discussion. But if they just want to make vaguely worded comments about how “some people” control the news media, buy politician­s and have divided loyalties — maybe they’re just anti-Semites.

Steven Strauss, a visiting professor at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and Internatio­nal Affairs, is a member of USA TODAY’s Board of Contributo­rs.


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