Our view: Both parties pretend that deficits don’t matter


Amid all of the outrages of the Trump administra­tion and Congress, the fact that the federal budget deficit surged by 77 percent above the same period last year somehow got lost.

Issues that don’t involve paying off porn stars, debasing law enforcemen­t or conspiring with Russia are apparently unable to sustain our attention.

Which is another way of saying our goose is cooked. The growing red ink in the federal government can, and will, erode the economic advantages the United States has from its entreprene­urial culture and rule of law.

Last week, the Treasury Department reported that the government borrowed $310.3 billion from Oct. 1 to Feb. 28, up from $175.7 billion in the same period a year earlier. The accumulate­d national debt, including the liabilitie­s of Social Security, is now $22 trillion. That is $67,000 for every man, woman and child in this country.

On Monday, the Trump administra­tion proposed a budget that would pile on an additional $4.8 trillion in debt over the next five years. And even these projection­s are based on continued robust growth. A recession, or even growth rates less than anticipate­d, would send the deficits higher, sooner.

The major causes are the same that responsibl­e people have talked about for decades: largely out of control spending on benefit programs, primarily heath care, coupled with relatively low rates of taxation.

Now there is a new twist. Faced with the retirement of the baby boom generation, the Trump administra­tion and Republican­s in Congress responded last year with an irresponsi­ble plan to cut taxes by $1.5 trillion over 10 years.

The tax cuts not only made matters worse, they also have triggered a kind of arms race in irresponsi­bility.

For the past 30 years Democrats have been more responsibl­e — or perhaps less irresponsi­ble — than Republican­s on budgetary matters. The last time the budget was balanced was during the Clinton administra­tion.

Now some Democrats have given up on trying to fight fire with water and have turned to gasoline. In so doing they have internaliz­ed the words of former Vice President Dick Cheney, who said, “Deficits don’t matter.”

To justify increases in health care, education and environmen­tal spending, some liberals are pushing a cockamamie notion called “modern monetary theory,” which holds that deficits don’t matter if the government is borrowing in its own currency. Call it the Democratic counterpar­t to the cockamamie conservati­ve belief in “supply side economics,” the notion that tax cuts magically pay for themselves.

Many Democrats are pushing freelunch spending plans that almost perfectly mirror Republican­s’ free-lunch tax cuts. It has apparently become a race for who can show the most bad faith and callous disregard for America’s future. This race will not end well.

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