Mueller’s investigat­ion was a waste of time


Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion didn’t conclude that President Donald Trump conspired with Russia’s efforts to sway the 2016 election, as detailed by Attorney General William Barr’s summary released Sunday.

We all knew Mueller’s report was just more junk from his opponents. Mueller and his team were just wasting taxpayers’ money and just trying to aggravate our president. Betsy Tilley

Did anybody really believe Trump was worried about the Mueller report? Trump is a guilty man, but he must have known nothing would come out of the investigat­ion. If he did think he was in danger, he would have fired Mueller a long time ago. I think Mueller wasted our money and saved Trump while at it.

Karina James

Something will be revealed in the full report concerning the president that’s unfavorabl­e. The report wouldn’t have taken so long if Mueller found nothing. Mary Ann Bottiglier­i

When Trump took office, he was worried about making America great again, getting jobs, getting the wall built and everything we need to become great again. He didn’t waste taxpayer money going after Hillary Clinton and spending two years having her investigat­ed like his opponents have had him, and at taxpayers’ expense. While the Democrats sit there and keep trying to fight the president and waste taxpayers’ money on needless investigat­ions trying to indict and impeach him, maybe they should try to help get this country back together. Linda M. Gifford Wiman

Most Americans want to see the report, not Attorney General William Barr’s interpreta­tion!

Deanne Schmitt Rosing

So basically not enough evidence to prosecute Trump on conspiracy with Russia and things are essentiall­y still up in the air on obstructio­n.

Tameka D. Hayes

House Democrats should request the full report and subpoena Mueller so we can know why he stopped his investigat­ion now, just before he could acquire the needed evidence to recommend prosecutin­g Trump. If nothing else, state courts should prosecute the president to the fullest extent of the law.

Jim Mansberger

American taxpayers paid the cost of a measly four-page summary of nearly two years’ worth of investigat­ion. I’m sure Trump is pulling the strings on the current attorney general.

David Graham

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