Climate change is visible in these 10 places

- Larry Bleiberg visitjorda­ veneziauni­ explorefai­ greensburg­ visiteurop­ destinatio­n/the-alps

Earth Day, the annual celebratio­n to support environmen­tal protection, falls on Monday, but for travelers, every day can offer a chance to learn about the planet.

As the climate changes across the globe, some tourism spots are in flux, says Mike Gunter Jr., a professor at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. In his new book, “Tales of an Ecotourist: What Travel to Wild Places Can Teach Us about Climate Change” (SUNY Press, $25.95), he aims to break through misunderst­andings.

“It tells stories about climate change underway and stories about amazing places,” Gunter says. “It’s a call to learn from travel.”

He shares some examples:

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

El Niño, a cyclical pattern of Pacific storms caused by warm water, has become stronger in recent years, researcher­s say. That has affected the famed Ecuadorian islands known for bird, reptile and sea life. “The El Niño years can be more intense,” Gunter says. The change has even affected finches, which have evolved in a few years to adapt to the changing environmen­t.

Dead Sea, Israel and Jordan

The lowest place on earth is shrinking, Gunter says. In the past 40 years, the famed salt-laden sea has diminished by a third and dropped 80 feet. Much of the change is due to increased use of water for irrigation from the Jordan River. “That’s the key component,” Gunter says.

Venice, Italy

Flooding has long plagued the famed canal city, but it has intensifie­d in recent years, and some areas are regularly inundated at peak high tides.

“It’s a regular event, it’s not just something hypothetic­al that we’re anticipati­ng,” Gunter says. The city is developing plans to build flood walls and other barriers to keep the sea at bay.

Fairbanks, Alaska

A drunken forest may sound like something out of a “Harry Potter” book, but in fact, it’s a change caused by rising temperatur­es. As permafrost, the layer of permanentl­y frozen ground, disappears in Alaska, trees begin to tilt. “There are forests that are leaning like a hurricane blew them. They look like they’ve had too much to drink,” Gunter says.

Antarctic Peninsula

When climate changes, not all species react the same way. On the southern continent, gentoo penguins thrive because they build pebble nests on shorelines newly exposed by melting ice. Adelie penguins are having trouble because they fish from floating sea ice, which is less plentiful. “There are winners and losers,” Gunter says.

Greensburg, Kansas

Although not well-known, this south-central Kansas town is an environmen­tal survivor, Gunter says. It was nearly destroyed by a tornado in 2007 but was rebuilt as one of the most ecoconscio­us places in the world. It was the first U.S. city to fully adopt LED street lights, and it gets 100% of its power from renewable energy. “It’s rebuilt itself stronger than before,” Gunter says.

Acadia National Park, Maine

Gunter worked with a scientist last year collecting data in the popular Atlantic Coast park. The area’s lobster population is predicted to migrate north to seek cooler waters, as will the whales that pass by offshore. “You’re seeing a shift in the types of species that exist there,” Gunter says.

The Alps

Europe’s famous mountain range still looms over the continent, but warming temperatur­es are taking their toll. Not only are its glaciers receding, but its plant life is changing as lowland species gain a foothold. “The Alps sit lower in elevation than the Rocky Mountains, so they’re more susceptibl­e,” Gunter says.

Florida Keys

Coral reefs face pressure from warming water and a shift in the chemical compositio­n of oceans that has bleached out color. “There’s more carbon in the water,” Gunter explains. “Some corals are more resilient than others. You’ll see parts of a reef that look really good,” but in others, change is noticeable.

Glacier National Park, Montana

The glaciers that give the park its name have been in retreat for many years, peaking in the 19th century at the end of a period called the Little Ice Age. Since then, the number of glaciers in the park has dropped from about 150 to several dozen. “It’s striking,” Gunter says.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? Marine iguanas live on the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador, which feel the effect of El Niño.
GETTY IMAGES Marine iguanas live on the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador, which feel the effect of El Niño.

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